CBUB / Database / Anime / B / Brock (Pokemon)

Brock (Pokemon)

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Added by: videogameman

Read more about Brock (Pokemon) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Nintendo

is a video game character in the Pokémon franchise. In the Pokémon video games, he is the Gym Leader of Pewter City and mainly uses Rock -type Pokémon; in the anime series, he left his position as a Gym Leader to travel alongside Ash Ketchum and become a revered Pokémon Breeder. He has also appeared in several Pokémon manga series, including Pokémon Adventures and the Ash & Pikachu manga.

Brock is considered the most mature, wise and level-headed of the main characters, and he is arguably the most intelligent character as well. He often acts as an older brother and caretaker to the other characters and a voice of reason in disputes. He will usually place others before him and will help and support his friends even against his better judgment or at his own expense. While he is not shown to battle often, he can understand the situations and strategies in any Pokémon battle, and often explains them to the other characters, probably due to the fact that he was once a Gym Leader. Brock always carries books and maps with him, and thus is usually the character who knows where the group is headed and what they can do when they get there, though in Advanced Generation this role was mostly taken over by the PokéNav. He also carries a lot of other supplies, such as potions and cookware, as well as practical tools like a brush and pocket knife. He is a domestic, and grooms not only his Pokémon but also those of his friends with whom he travels. He handles all the cooking and cleaning for his friends.

Brock's most notable feature about his appearance is that his eyes naturally appear closed. The rare times people see them open are when they are forced open unnaturally. He also has tan skin, notably darker than the skin of any other major character in the series.

Brock is the tallest of main characters, and the closest to looking like an adult. Next to actual adult characters, however, it is clear that he is still a teenager. Not counting temporary outfits, he has worn three different outfits over the span of the anime, all of which have had the colors orange, green, and brown, with blue shoes.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Johnny Bravo 17 to 15
Loss Jaden Yuki 1 to 6

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