CBUB / Database / Comics / M / Mad Jim Jaspers

Mad Jim Jaspers

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Added by: tygre138

Read more about Mad Jim Jaspers at: Wikipedia

Official Site: marvel comics

Sir James Jaspers (aka Mad Jim Jaspers) is a fictional character created by Dave Thorpe and Alan Davis for the Captain Britain stories in Marvel UK comics and later developed by Alan Moore.

Jaspers was a British member of Parliament with a mutated brain that enabled him to alter reality; an unfortunate side effect of this power was that it quickly drove him mad once he began to use it on a larger scale. He led an anti-superhuman campaign so that he could play with the world without interference. His character design was based on the English comic actor "Terry-Thomas".

It later emerged that, before indulging in a campaign of mayhem, Jaspers was a member of Parliament who successfully campaigned for the outlawing of superheroes. He then created The Fury, a highly adaptable android created to exterminate superheroes. Within two years all the superhumans of the world (many of them referencing classic British comic characters like Marvelman and the Steel Claw) had been killed by the Fury. The only surviving superhero of this world, Captain UK, had fled to Earth-616 and abandoned her heroic identity. However, the Fury was programmed not to kill Jaspers, who himself had the ability to warp reality to his will, at the cost of his own sanity.

The Fury was reactivated by Jaspers and later succeeded in killing both Captain Britain and Jackdaw. Captain Britain was then removed from Earth-238 by Merlyn and revived on Earth-616. The Fury, somehow detecting this, adapted itself to travel between realities.

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