CBUB / Database / Comics / S / Steppenwolf


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Read more about Steppenwolf at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Steppenwolf is a fictional supervillain published by DC Comics. He first appeared in New Gods vol. 1 #7 (February 1972), and was created by Jack Kirby.

As one of the New Gods, Steppenwolf (which is German for "Wolf of the Steppe," or coyote) is the brother of Heggra, and the uncle of Uxas. He is also a member of Darkseid's Elite. He leads the military of Apokolips and also rides a hover bike which may be at the same level of technology as Orion's.

As seen in a flashback, Steppenwolf is one of the earliest survivors of Doomsday, the monster who once killed Superman. 245,000 years ago, Steppenwolf takes an Apokolips shuttle with Darkseid, Master Mayhem and a small crew to the planet of Bylan 5. The planet holds delicate natural materials Apokolips needs for weaponry, material which would be destroyed in the event of an invasion. The forcible marriage of Darkseid to the planet's princess comes to an end when Doomsday attacks. Master Mayhem is swiftly torn apart. Darkseid ignores Steppenwolf's orders to use Omega Beams and engages the creature in hand to hand combat. Steppenwolf sees the destruction wrought has doomed the planet and all who live on it. He teleports Darkseid out of harm's way, agreeing with Darkseid not to mention this to anyone. Doomsday escapes by stowing away on the Apokolips shuttle.

He apparently dies in a spaceship in the third issue of the 1986-1987 limited series Legends. However, he has recently been seen fighting The Flash (Bart Allen) and the Justice League of America.


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