Read more about Wraith (Marvel) at: Wikipedia Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Wraith is the name of three unrelated fictional characters from the Marvel Comics universe. The Wraith (Brian DeWolff) is a fictional character, owned by Marvel Comics and existing in that company's Marvel Universe. The character was first introduced as Brian DeWolff, the brother of Spider-Man supporting character, Jean DeWolff. Brian DeWolff was a former patrolman for the New York Police Department, who was shot by criminals and rescued by his father, using experimental technologies to restore Brian's health. This process gave Brian psionic abilities, including the ability to read minds, induce illusions in the minds of others, project psionic force bolts and control the mind of another person (but he can only control one mind at a time), but left him with no mind of his own and susceptible to the mental domination of others. Under his father Phillip's psionic control, Brian (as the Wraith) operated as a vigilante and killed several criminals, and fought Spider-Man, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and his sister Jean, until he was defeated by Spider-Man and Iron Man. Brian fell under mental possession by Phillip, but Phillip was defeated by Doctor Strange and Iron Man. Strange revived the Wraith's own consciousness, and he was reunited with his sister Jean. Finally overpowered and the true circumstances revealed, Brian regained his independent will and was found innocent of the crimes and his father went to prison. The Wraith became a costumed adventurer and joined with Iron Man, Jean, and others in battling Midas. He also aided Spider-Man and Iron Man against Whiplash and the Maggia. When his sister Jean was killed by the Sin-Eater (who was also a policeman, much like Brian), the Wraith was driven mad with grief and he decided to take vengeance on the whole New York Police Department. When he arrived at a police station, he was shot by the Scourge of the Underworld, who was disguised as a policeman and attempting to murder Flash Thompson. CBUB Match Record:
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