CBUB / Database / Comics / R / Rai


CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 3
Win Percentage: 25.00%

Added by: r.m

Read more about Rai at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Valiant Entertainment Inc.

Rai (pronounced "rye") is a fictional superhero from the Valiant Comics universe. Rai was the first original hero created by Valiant and had its beginning as a flipbook back-up feature in Magnus Robot Fighter issues #5-8. The popularity of the flipbook back-up story later led to an ongoing series. Valiant Entertainment is the current owner of Rai and the rest of the original Valiant Comics characters.

Rai is the spirit guardian that protects the nation of Japan in the 41st century. It is a mantle passed down from father to son through the generations. As such the series chronicled a number of protagonists.

In 4001 A.D., a massive machine known as the Host covers the entire island of Japan. Fifty billion Japanese dwell inside this mighty construct, which is, in fact, a single, enormous robot. Rai is the hereditary defender of the Host - its living "immune system." Rai draws weapons from his own body to protect the people of Japan and his creator Grandmother, the sentient AI robot that controls Japan.

The line of Rai were created by Grandmother in the image of the 20th century hero Bloodshot. She hoped to inspire her people by invoking his heroism.

Rai Rai Rai

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Samurai Jack 39 to 70
Loss Kratos 4 to 8
Loss Heishiro Mitsurugi 6 to 20
Win Agents (The Matrix) 6 to 5

No Fantasy Draft Records Available