CBUB / Database / Comics / J / John Hartigan

John Hartigan

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Added by: wishtiger

Read more about John Hartigan at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Frank Miller

Detective John Hartigan is a major protagonist in the Sin City series of graphic novel, written by Frank Miller. He is the central character in That Yellow Bastard, and has a small cameo in Just Another Saturday Night. Miller has announced he will be the main character of another story, set before That Yellow Bastard.

At the start of That Yellow Bastard, Hartigan is "pushing 60." He has a distinguishing cross-shaped scar on his forehead. He is presented as a muscular and imposing man, capable of holding his own in a fight. He also suffers from angina, which consistently affects his work, despite his attempts to ignore and fight through it. He is almost always dressed professionally, most commonly wearing an oxford shirt, tie, and dress slacks, along with his signature trenchcoat.

A veteran police detective of Basin City, Hartigan is gruff, stoic, and cynical. He is also completely selfless; he cares little about his own well-being as long as he can protect his fellow citizens. He risks his own safety and reputation to achieve safety for those he cares about, but this dedication eventually destroys his life. Hartigan possesses a seemingly indomitable will, able to withstand multiple bullet wounds without collapsing, and most notably being capable of willing himself back to life after being hanged.

Hartigan has a distinctive way of narrating: he often talks to himself in his head, referring himself as "stupid old man", certainly because of his 8 years of loneliness in prison.

John Hartigan John Hartigan John Hartigan John Hartigan John Hartigan

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CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win John Doe (Se7en) 8 to 3
Loss Ms. Perkins 0 to 4

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