CBUB / Database / Comics / A / Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld)

Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld)

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Added by: r.m

Read more about Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: D.C Comics

Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld is the name of three comic book series published by DC Comics in the 1980s. The series tells of a teenage girl named Amy Winston who discovers that she is in fact the orphaned princess from the magic Gemworld. Amy learns that a evil ruler called Dark Opal is out to destroy her and so travels to Gemworld to overthrow him.

Amethyst first appeared in a teaser story in Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) #298 (April 1983). Her origin began shortly afterward in the twelve-issue Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld limited series in 1983, written and created by Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn with Ernie Colon as the artist, the initial 12-issue limited series (identified by DC Comics as a "maxi-series") establishes Gemworld, who Amethyst is, and introduces several of her villains that she will face again later. The limited series was followed by a 1984 annual issue and a sixteen-issue ongoing series. The ongoing series was followed by the 1986 Amethyst Special one-shot and a four-issue limited series that ended the character's adventures. The series was oriented initially for younger female readers, but took on a more aggressive and darker tone over time.

Princess Amethyst, the daughter of the ruling House of Amesthyst, was left orphaned when Dark Opal of the House of Opal murdered her parents. The witch Citrina whisked away baby Amethyst to Earth to be raised by the Winston family in safety.

At the age of thirteen, Amethyst was attacked by Dark Opal. Having been brought to Gemworld, Amethyst discovered her magical powers. 13-year-old Amethyst gained the appearance of a full-grown woman. The most powerful magic users in all of Gemworld are from the House of Amethyst. Amethyst decided to use her powers to rebel against Dark Opal's oppression over Gemworld. Princess Amethyst journeys to make allies among those of the twelve kingdoms who do not support Dark Opal.

Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld) Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld) Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld) Amethyst (Princess of Gemworld)

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Ophelia 25 to 10
Loss Android 18 20 to 48

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