CBUB / Database / Comics / W / The Wizard

The Wizard

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: razorback

Read more about The Wizard at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Entertainment

The Wizard (Bentley Wittman), also known as the Wingless Wizard, is a fictional character, a comic book supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. His first appearance was in Strange Tales #102 and was created as an enemy for the Human Torch.

Bentley Wittman grew up possessing near-superhuman levels of genius and was a child prodigy and chess champion. As an adult, became an inventor of great renown, selling his futuristic inventions to the wealthy and becoming quite rich. He became known as the Wizard by legally assuming this stage name and using his advanced scientific inventions to perform feats of "magic" as a stage magician and escape artist.

Intellectually bored, however, he decided to become a professional criminal and defeat Johnny Storm, who had just appeared to the world as the Human Torch. Pretending to be a victim, he was rescued by the Torch and invited him to his high-tech, futuristic mansion on Long Island where he captured the Torch with ease. The Wizard then impersonated the Torch, launching a crime spree to destroy the Torch's reputation, before being captured by the Fantastic Four and sent to prison.

The Wizard had a rematch with the Human Torch before long, escaping from prison using a chemical which melted through stone. With Paste-Pot Pete, he battled the Torch again, and the Wizard captured the Torch and the Invisible Woman. The conclusion of one encounter with the Torch sent him flying uncontrollably upward by one of his anti-gravity discs, unable to descend safely. He was rescued by two other adversaries of the Torch: the Sandman and Paste-Pot Pete (soon after, the Trapster). After he suggested they team up, a suggestion by the Trapster inspired him to form a team that would be a criminal counterpart to the Fantastic Four, with himself, his two rescuers, and Medusa, who was then suffering from amnesia; becoming the Frightful Four.

The Wizard

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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