CBUB / Database / Comics / I / Iceberg (Amalgam)

Iceberg (Amalgam)

CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 66.67%

Added by: JCCM

Read more about Iceberg (Amalgam) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Amalgam Comics

Iceberg is a fictional character and Amalgam Comics superhero, whose true debut was in JLX Unleashed #1 (1997), though her Amalgam Universe debut has yet to be revealed, other than the fact that it was most likely in the first JLX series. Iceberg is a combination of Marvel Comics' Iceman and DC Comics' Ice.

Iceberg's origins and background is still a mystery, though it is known that she joined the JLX sometime during its first series, JLX. Like many of her fellow teammates, including Mister X, Apollo, Runaway, and Nightcreeper, Iceberg was captured and incarcerated in a holding cell specifically designed for metamutants like herself. This occurred during the Armageddon Agenda, when Will Magnus was given permission by the government to hunt mutants. When Wonder Woman assembled the new JLX to defeat Fin Fang Flame, Iceberg was a part of the new team, her powers greatly assisting in the battle against Fin Fang Flame. Unlike most JLX members, she has no known previous affiliation with the Judgment League Avengers.

In addition to being an above-average hand-to-hand combatant, Iceberg can, at will, project in various forms quantities of ice and snow through her hands just enough to down an opponent. She can create platforms of ice upon which she can skate.

Iceberg is able to lower her body temperature without causing harm to herself, reaching negative within a few tenths of a second. She is able to freeze any moisture in the air around her into unusually hard ice to form various projectiles and shields. She is also able to summon moisture from the air and create a flood. Iceberg is immune to sub-zero temperatures and has thermal vision: the ability to detect objects visually by how much heat the objects generate.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Zsasz 69 to 27
Win Silver Racer (Amalgam) 14 to 12
Loss Hawkeye (Amalgam) 12 to 13

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