CBUB / Database / Comics / V / Vampirella


CBUB Wins: 5
CBUB Losses: 2
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 71.43%

Added by: razorback

Read more about Vampirella at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Fangoria Comics

Vampirella is a fictional character, a comic book vampire heroine created by Forrest J Ackerman for Warren Publishing's namesake black-and-white horror-comics magazine, and developed by Archie Goodwin with artists Frank Frazetta and Tom Sutton.

Vampirella first appeared as a horror-story hostess in Vampirella #1 (Sept. 1969), continuing in that capacity through issue #8 (Nov. 1970) when she was "revamped" as a leading character.

Vampirella initially appeared in Warren Publishing's Vampirella #1 (Sept. 1969) and lasted until issue #112 (1983). The title was a sister magazine of Warren's horror-comics magazines Creepy and Eerie. Like those magazines' respective mascots, Uncle Creepy and Cousin Eerie, Vampirella hosted anthological horror stories. Unlike the other two hosts, Vampirella would also star in her own story, which would headline each issue. Vampirella was initially edited by Bill Parente. It would later be edited by Archie Goodwin (issues #7-12, 34-5), Billy Graham (#13-16), Bill DuBay (#21-50, 87-95, 101-102) and Louise Jones (#51-86).

The first artists for Vampirella were Frank Frazetta (the premiere cover) and Tom Sutton (interior art). Jose Gonzalez became the character's primary artist starting with issue #12. Other artists who would draw Vampirella during her magazine's original run included Gonzalo Mayo, Leopold Sanchez, Esteban Maroto, José Ortiz, Escolano, Rudy Nebres, Ramon Torrents, Pablo Marcos, Jim Janes, John Lakey and Val Lakey.

Vampirella Vampirella

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Anita Blake 76 to 29
Win Ultimate Demogoblin (Mary Jane Watson) 17 to 12
Loss Cherry Darling 10 to 14

Fantasy Teams Season 10 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Batman 7 to 2
Win Jackie Brown 4 to 2
Loss Foxy Brown 4 to 6
Win Lois Lane 6 to 5