CBUB / Database / Comics / I / Indigo (DC)

Indigo (DC)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: razorback

Read more about Indigo (DC) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: D.C Comics

Indigo (also called Brainiac 8) is a fictional character, a superhero in the , who is later revealed to be a supervillain. The character's first appearance was in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1.

Indigo is an android and a member of the Outsiders. Born in a distant future era, she comes to the 21st century badly damaged, and desperately looking for a cybernetic or mechanical organism capable of repairing her. In the process, she tries to install her self-repairing routines into the Metal Men, but they are incapable of assisting her in maintenance. Then she turns to Cyborg, but in the process, she damages him.

Attacked by the combined forces of Young Justice and the Titans, she retreats, switching into an offensive mode. Although the combined forces of the young superheroes best her, adding further damage, she is able to activate a dormant Superman robot before shutting down for repairs. Yet when the android comes after the young heroes (killing Lilith and Troia), Arsenal briefly reactivates the young female droid and sends her to stop the Superman Android before shutting down again.

When Arsenal reforms the Outsiders, he claims the female droid, now called Indigo, as a teammate.

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