CBUB / Database / Cartoons / F / Foamy


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 5
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: JuleTheFool2

Read more about Foamy at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Jonathan Ian Mathers

Neurotically Yours is a webtoon created by Jonathan Ian Mathers, depicting a squirrel named Foamy, who is the neurotic pet of a goth girl named Germaine (voiced by Dawn Bennett). Over the years Germaine's character seems to have taken a backseat as Foamy's angry rants against society became increasingly popular. There are several other squirrel and human characters.

Episodes are mainly located at iLL WiLL PreSS, in addition to numerous external websites. To date, there are over 200 official episodes of Neurotically Yours. There are also a number of fan-produced episodes circulated among various fansites on the Internet. There are also 38 topical rants, which are audio-based rants in which Foamy is talking about a particular topic. One of these, titled "The Best Thing Ever" was made into an official animated episode. A new episode of Neurotically Yours is posted approximately once every two weeks.

Foamy the Squirrel is the main character. He is a foul-mouthed squirrel who lives with his owner Germaine, whom he dislikes openly. He has a strong disdain for most things, including obesity, pop culture, and Metallica (he blames them for the end of Napster). However, despite Foamy's language and harsh opinions, there is some good in Foamy, taking one rant to discuss the good things from Mexican Culture (Entitled Mexico es muy bien) and condemn the stereotypes. Foamy hates his friend Pilz-e for his drug problems, but he seems to tolerate Begley.

Foamy does various things in the web series, such as singing "Squirrel Songs" in order to raise money for the "Church of Foamy" and answering "Foamy Fan Mail" (which he hates, mostly because most of the questions are ones he hates the idea of or finds repetitive: like suggestions to get a girlfriend, or the desire to see various characters including Foamy naked which he openly expresses disgust at).

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Jacen Solo 20 to 46
Loss Peter Griffin 43 to 65
Loss Bart Simpson 23 to 72
Loss Strong Bad 26 to 69
Loss Yogi Bear 0 to 4

No Fantasy Draft Records Available