CBUB / Database / Anime / D / Deathsaurus


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CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Deathsaurus at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Hasbro

is an animated series produced by Toei Animation. It is a Japanese-produced spin-off of the well-known original Transformers animated series, and the final complete animated series from the original "Generation 1" era.

Victory is the story of the new Autobot Supreme Commander, Star Saber, defending the Earth against the forces of Deszaras (though commonly in the English fandom is known by "Deathsaurus"), the Decepticons' new Emperor of Destruction. Deszaras desires the planet's energy to reactivate his massive planet-destroying fortress, sealed away in the Dark Nebula long ago by Star Saber. The series eschews the story arc-based approach of Headmasters and Masterforce, returning to the American show's method of episodic adventures that did little to alter the status quo of the series, with a heavy emphasis on action, complemented by dynamic animation.

Its cast consists almost entirely of brand new characters (although there are some guest appearances from characters on earlier shows).

Victory ' s story is told over thirty-two original episodes. However, the broadcast series also includes six additional clip show - bringing the total number of broadcast episodes to thirty-eight. Additionally, after the end of the series, another six additional clip shows were created by Masumi Kaneda, which were available only through home video and seldom-seen regional Japanese broadcasts, taking the total number of Victory episodes to forty-four.


Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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