CBUB / Database / Comics / M / Mothergod (Erica Pierce)

Mothergod (Erica Pierce)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Mothergod (Erica Pierce) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Valiant

Mothergod (Erica Pierce) is a fictional character from Valiant Comics. She was exposed to the same energies that turned Phil Seleski into Solar, and she gained the same energy and matter manipulation powers. Driven mad by the destruction and imperfect recreation of the universe, Mothergod sought to repair reality by erasing everything and starting again with the time streams aligned, leading to the events of the world-shaking UNITY Crossover.

Despite being a central character within the original Valiant Universe, Mothergod was not given her own title series.

Erica works as a physicist along with Phil Seleski at Edgewater Nuclear Plant during the original near-explosion incident. The same accident that gives Phil Seleski his powers also grants Erica powers of her own - reality warping. Later, when Seleski accidentally destroys Earth and sends himself back in time, Erica is sucked back with him. The overall result of that moment is what became the Original Valiant Universe.

Erica's domestic life was bad and getting worse, ending with the decision to kill her abusive husband one evening. While in shock from the killing, the Erica Pierce who had traveled back in time came in and kills the Erica Pierce of this timeline and took over as her.

Mothergod (Erica Pierce) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.