CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / S / The Shadow

The Shadow

CBUB Wins: 10
CBUB Losses: 4
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 71.43%

Added by: damnedyankee

Read more about The Shadow at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Conde Nast

The Shadow is a collection of serialized dramas, originally in pulp magazine, then on 1930s radio and then in a wide variety of media, that follow the exploits of the title character, a crime-fighting vigilante with psychic powers. One of the most famous pulp hero of the 20th century, The Shadow has been featured in comic book, comic strips, television, video game, and at least five motion picture. The radio drama is well-remembered for those episodes voiced by Orson Welles.

Introduced as a mysterious radio narrator by David Chrisman, William Sweets, and Harry Engman Charlot for Street and Smith Publications, The Shadow was fully developed and transformed into a pop culture icon by pulp writer Walter B. Gibson.

The Shadow debuted on July 31, 1930, as the mysterious narrator of the Street and Smith radio program Detective Story Hour. After gaining popularity among the show's listeners, the narrator became the star of The Shadow Magazine on April 1, 1931, a pulp series created and primarily written by the prolific Gibson.

Over the years, the character evolved. On September 26, 1937, The Shadow radio drama officially premiered with the story "The Deathhouse Rescue", in which the character had "the power to cloud men's minds so they cannot see him." This was a contrivance for the radio; in the magazine stories, The Shadow did not have the ability to become literally invisible; he influenced the minds of his opponents by making them see him a few feet to the right or left of where he really stood. The effect of having this cloaked figure laughing while he was being shot at point-blank range was, at the least, unsettling.

The Shadow The Shadow The Shadow

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Robocop 31 to 70
Loss The Phantom 36 to 66
Loss Batman 9 to 20
Loss The Hobgoblin 10 to 25
Win Michael Myers 15 to 10
Win Hammerhead (Marvel) 19 to 8
Win The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) 10 to 8
Win Shang Tsung 14 to 6
Win Doc Savage 13 to 8
Win Lex Luthor 12 to 6

Fantasy Teams Season 2 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Black Widow 19 to 8
Win Snake Plissken 14 to 7
Win Shawn Spencer 20 to 8
Win Jonah Hex 9 to 5