CBUB / Database / Comics / B / Barbarella


CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 3
Win Percentage: 25.00%

Added by: wishtiger

Read more about Barbarella at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Jean-Claude Forest

Barbarella is a fictional heroine in the French science fiction comic book created by Jean-Claude Forest. He created the character for serial in the French magazine V-Magazine in spring 1962, and in 1964 Eric Losfeld later published these strips as a stand-alone book, under the title Barbarella. The stand-alone version caused a scandal and became known as the first "adult" comic-book, despite its eroticism being slight and the existence of the Tijuana bible well before this date. Its traditional editor, however, contrasted with its subject matter, anticipating as it did the sexual revolution.

Barbarella is a young woman who travels from planet to planet and has numerous adventures, often involving sex (the aliens she meets often seduce her, and she also experiments with a "machine excessive" or "orgasmotron"). The original comic book version of Barbarella was probably modelled on Brigitte Bardot, who was once married to the director of the 1968 film, Roger Vadim. Vadim's third wife, Jane Fonda, starred as Barbarella in the 1968 movie based on the character. For her creator, the character embodied the modern woman in the era of sexual liberation.

The stories have been reprinted by Dargaud and Les Humanoïdes Associés.

Barbarella also guest-stars in Mystérieuse, Matin, Midi et Soir [Mysterious, Morning, Noon And Evening] (originally serialized in "Pif", 1971; book: Serg, 1972)


Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Padme Amidala 73 to 58
Tie Cavewoman 60 to 60
Loss Loana the Fair One 38 to 49
Loss Captain James Tiberius Kirk 48 to 60

No Fantasy Draft Records Available