CBUB / Database / Comics / F / Flattop


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Boratz

Read more about Flattop at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Tribune Content Agency

Flattop Jones, Sr. is a fictional villain created by Chester Gould for the Dick Tracy comic strip. His nickname comes from his large head that is perfectly flat on the top.

Gould revealed little about Flattop's personal life in the comic strip, but the background references that he did give the character share similarities to real-life Depression-era gangster Pretty Boy Floyd. For example, Flattop claims in the strip to be a freelance hitman from "Crookston Hills", a parody version of Floyd's hometown of Cookson Hills in Oklahoma. The comic strip also references Flattop's involvement in the "Kansas City Massacre," a 1933 incident in which Floyd was alleged to have been involved.

Gould's character leads a gang of three hoods and is known as an "ace killer" in one newspaper headline shown in the comic strip (having committed five murders). In the storyline in which Flattop is the featured villain, black market hire him to eliminate Dick Tracy for a fee of $5000: five times his regular rate.

Flattop proves his value by quickly orchestrating a successful setup involving an argument over money to capture Tracy in the killer's car, to be transported somewhere where he can be murdered undisturbed. Fortunately for Tracy, Flattop stops just short of doing the deed when he realizes that if his employers are willing to pay such a high price for Tracy's death, then they would surely be desperate enough to pay much more. As such, Flattop decides to blackmail his employers for an additional $50,000, lest he release the detective with the information Tracy needs to arrest them.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Indiana Jones 0 to 4

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