Read more about Ice Bear at: Wikipedia Official Site: Cartoon Network The American animated television series We Bare Bears features a cast created by Daniel Chong. The series focuses on three bears who try to navigate the human world and make friends. The Bears are the loud and adventurous Grizz (voiced by Eric Edelstein), the kind, yet nervous Panda (voiced by Bobby Moynihan) and the quiet and mysterious Ice Bear (voiced by Demetri Martin). Despite their social ineptitude, they manage to meet a wide variety of characters recurring appearances on the show with some also making single appearances. Among them include the Korean American prodigy Chloe Park (voiced by Charlyne Yi), the selfish and angry Nom Nom (voiced by Patton Oswalt), the socially inept Bigfoot Charlie (voiced by Jason Lee) and the tough and determined Ranger Tabes (voiced by Cameron Esposito). Grizzly (nickname "Grizz") is a grizzly bear. The oldest and the de facto leader of the brothers, Grizz is a fun-loving bear who tends to get the others into wacky and uncharacteristic situations. Grizz is paradoxically highly sociable yet socially inept. Despite this, he is constantly wanting to meet new people and tries to befriend everyone he comes across. As a baby, he was rescued by a team of firemen who prevented him from falling off a tree-top during a storm (as such, he has a phobia of being in trees, which he states in “Paperboyzâ€). Afterward, he was adopted by a studio and starred in a Canadian sitcom called Family Troubles of which he was the star and known for his catchphrase "That's not what I ordered!" The show added a new character named Cousin Lorenzo whom Grizz immediately disliked. After winning in a race against him, Grizz suddenly realized that his fake family never offered true happiness or love and decided to leave the show to search for a family of his own, turning down fame and fortune in the process. It seems that he was younger than in most baby bear episodes in the flashback pictures in "Burrito." It was mentioned by Ice Bear that Grizz writes poems in English, as well as being a DJ and a beatboxer. He also created a series of cheesy homemade action movies with himself starring as Crowbar Jones. Despite Grizz's desire to be loved by everyone, he still puts his brothers first and foremost and can't bear to be separated from them. He has a strange love-hate relationship with Nom Nom, whom he looks up to due to his popularity, yet acknowledges that he can be mean and sometimes untrustworthy. He also has an odd relationship with Ranger Tabes who usually calls on him to assist her with the Poppy Rangers, most likely due to the fact that since he is a grizzly bear and in theory, it makes sense that he would know a lot about nature, though it has been shown that this is not the case. In the episode "Bunnies", Grizz is shown to be capable of speaking to other animals as most of them, who display self-awareness and occasional human behavior, aren't able to speak English. Panda is a giant panda. He is the middle brother and is nicknamed Pan-Pan by Grizz. He is tender-hearted and easily becomes anxious or embarrassed. It is revealed in "Panda 2" that Panda once lived in a controlled panda enclosure near a fictionalized version of Shanghai, China. A stuffed panda plush doll was dropped into his enclosure by one of the staff who noticed his loneliness and Panda befriended it by giving it a personality, which is mainly Panda voicing his deeper inner thoughts through the doll. Panda used the doll as a method of convincing himself to look through a window on the wall of the observatory, something he has always been curious about but never attempted to actually see. After using the doll to prop himself up, he finds a television set and becomes entranced by the moving pictures, and Anime, which is most likely how Panda came to appreciate it later in his life. In an effort to show his "friend" the Television, Panda escapes the Habitat through a food chute but after being discovered he jumps out the window of the laboratory and hides in a bamboo delivery truck, which brings him into downtown Shanghai. Panda has a lot less self-confidence than his brothers. He is good with technology and uses that skill on online social media and dating sites, with which he finds little to no success. He is also the one who "falls in love" the most quickly. Often several times to court several human girls, most notably Lucy the produce girl who has platonic feelings for him. Panda also owns a security pillow in the form of Miki-Chan, a pillow with a picture of an anime schoolgirl (or dakimakura) on it who he pretends to be his actual girlfriend. He is the most creative of the brothers, having written songs in "Everyone's Tube", and undoubtedly the "cutest" as settled in "Panda's Sneeze." Panda is an ovo-vegetarian and has severe allergies to peanuts and cats. It has been revealed that Panda likes Anime and enjoys other things related to Japanese culture. He can be seen eating Ramen in multiple episodes with his brothers, and in "Hibernation" he is seen eating a snack similar to Pocky. Panda also attends community college where he takes up a course in painting as revealed in "Panda's Art." Ice Bear is a polar bear. He is the youngest of the three brothers. Ice Bear is often rather stoic and rarely speaks. When he does, he speaks mostly in the third person and says his name first instead of I as shown in ¨The Audition¨. It is revealed in "Yuri and the Bear" that Ice Bear was raised by a Russian man named Yuri after his mother was suggested to have been killed by poachers. This is how he learned Russian, and because Yuri spoke exclusively in the third person, this is most likely how Ice Bear obtained the habit. He earned accommodation by doing chores, and Yuri taught him how to use the axe, cook, fix machinery, knit, play Uno with standard cards, as Ice ends up teaching Yuri calculus. He was cut adrift into the ocean when Yuri had to let him go to save him from the poachers, and the ice floated away from the mainland. He is multilingual, having been shown to speak Korean, French, Japanese (on "Losing Ice") and Russian fluently. Ice Bear also is able to speak to pigeons in the episode "Our Stuff." He is also a skilled chef, dancer, piano player, roboticist and engineer, charade player (on "My Clique"; it was revealed on "The Island" that he learned to speak very late, and originally used his charades skills to communicate), poet (which he writes in French), ice skater and a mixed martial artist (cited as Brazilian jiu-jitsu on "Chloe", but his skill set is closer to Taekwondo and judo with skills in Nunchaku, Shuriken and swords and ninja stars). In "I Am Ice Bear", he suffers a head injury and is able to speak properly. Ice Bear is the most composed of the brothers, always maintaining an "ice-cool attitude" in even the most awkward and embarrassing of situations. As seen in "Losing Ice" and "Coffee Cave", his brothers often take him for granted and are unappreciative of all the cooking and cleaning he does, although they eventually realize the error of their ways. Ice Bear sleeps in the refrigerator with a fire axe which he can use with either hand. Of the three bears, he has the closest relationship with Chloe, almost acting as a quiet big brother to her. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |