CBUB / Database / Comics / G / Gypsy Moth

Gypsy Moth

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Added by: broadwaybeyonder

Read more about Gypsy Moth at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Skein (real name Sybil Dvorak, also known as Gypsy Moth and Sybarite) is a fictional character, a mutant supervillain appearing in American comic book published by Marvel Comics.

The character first appeared in Spider-Woman #10 as Gypsy Moth, and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Carmine Infantino.

Sybil Dvorak was born in FocÅŸani, Romania in the shadow of the Carpathians. She was raised by Romani and spent much of her time alone nurturing her gardens and focusing on her mutant powers - the ability to telekinetically manipulate and control materials with her mind. She loved how the sensation of fiber, such as soft weaves and flowers, felt to her mental touch; hard objects felt abrasive to her.

Wandering onto the set of a remake of the movie Dracula, which was being filmed on location in Romania, she met the star, Jason Reed. He romanced her and convinced her to come with him back to his home in Los Angeles. Dvorak was essentially a prisoner in the house, as she was an illegal immigrant since Reed would not marry her. Reed was constantly away on "trips", and Dvorak feared that he was having affairs. She wove herself a costume using her powers, began calling herself Gypsy Moth, and directed her feelings of anger and betrayal by attacking Hollywood social gatherings.

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