Read more about Thyme at: Wikipedia Official Site: Crunchyroll High Guardian Spice is an upcoming American animated streaming television series created by Raye Rodriguez, who formerly worked for Danger & Eggs as a character designer. The series is produced by Crunchyroll Studios (formerly named Ellation), and was originally slated to be Crunchyroll's first original series. The series is scheduled to premiere on Crunchyroll on October 26, 2021. A group of four young girls who attend the High Guardian Academy and are training to become guardians of the city. At the same time, they deal with friends, allies, and betrayals, as they attempt to protect everything from an unknown threat. The show began production in 2017. According to the resume of Claire Stenger, a co-developer, writer, and co-story editor for the show, she worked on pitch documents, helped with VO sessions, gave notes, and helped with the writing, between September 2017 and October 2018. The show was originally set to be released in early 2019, but was delayed. The show wrapped production in autumn 2019, as noted by Raye Rodriguez, the series creator, and Anime News Network, even though Crunchyroll missed deadlines for release in 2019 and 2020. Rodriguez stated that he produced "twelve 22-minute episodes" of the show on his official website. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |