CBUB / Database / Anime / X / Xai Yu Lan

Xai Yu Lan

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Xai Yu Lan at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Tokyopop

is the main protagonist of the series. He is of Afghan-Japanese heritage. While he is inherently Japanese due to his name, Sagara grew up in Helmajistan, a region in Afghanistan that was caught up in political strife. At age 8, he joined a guerrilla movement to survive, and was eventually recruited by Mithril. Sousuke only knows military life and as a result he does not handle the everyday occurrences of civilian life very well. He also has a tough time integrating into high school life as his social skills are not quite up to par. His military bearing and encyclopedic knowledge of weapons earns him the nickname 'Military Maniac'. The basic problem this causes is, for instance, how he blows up the shoes lockers if there is any clue that someone has tampered with them. Sousuke can be quite insensitive at times, for example in volume 7 he bought a pregnancy test while out with Kaname and did not understand what was wrong, though his intentions are always in the right place. His deep feelings for Chidori Kaname are unavoidably clear by the beginning of TSR when he punches his fist through a laptop with the message of his direct order to not contact her anymore. Sousuke eventually decides to give up his life as a soldier and retires from Mithril, deciding that he wanted to be with Chidori instead. Upon his return, Sousuke confirms his feelings for Chidori and the two share a kiss in the school court yard.

Also, he was formerly known as 'Kashim' according to Gauron.

is the heroine of the series. She is often described as, 'The kind of girl everyone looks up to, but not even a boy wants as their girlfriend', as a fellow male student put it. She's very much the loud mouth, speak your mind kind of girl; a trait she picked up when she studied abroad in the United States. Until then, she feels like she must protect Sousuke from the harsh, cruel world of high school – a place where he doesn't quite fit.

Sousuke is assigned to guard her as she is one of the "Whispered". People that have in their subconscious very technologically advanced knowledge that numerous governments and other groups want to use for their own means.

Xai Yu Lan has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.