Read more about Faiza Hussain at: Wikipedia Official Site: Marvel Dr. Faiza Hussain, later given the codename Excalibur, is a fictional character appearing in American comic book published by Marvel Comics. Faiza was created by writer Paul Cornell, first penciled by Leonard Kirk. First appearing in Captain Britain and MI: 13 #1 (May 2008), Faiza Hussain is used as the title's "point of view character". Cornell has been aided in the development of this character by a panel of Muslim women: Mona Bayoumi, Safiya Sayed Baharun, Farida Patel, and Sohere Roked. Faiza Hussain, originally written in early scripts as "Faisa", is named after the former England cricket Captain Nasser Hussain and although she is a British Muslim character, creator Paul Cornell has stated he does not want Faiza to be a pillar for the entire British Muslim community: He also did not want her to say anything religious until in a situation where an everyday religious person would and steered her away from the normal cliché associated with Muslim characters. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |