CBUB / Database / Comics / C / Cloud (Marvel)

Cloud (Marvel)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Movie-Brat

Read more about Cloud (Marvel) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

The Defenders are a loosely organized team of fiction characters mostly, but not solely, superhero in the Marvel Universe. For much of their history, there was no official membership. Thus, the Defenders had a reputation as being a non-team, a term which was coined in the pages of the comic. All could be considered Defenders. The following list attempts to make sense of their membership but may not be complete.

These characters helped form the team in Marvel Features #1 (December 1971).

The team had managed to keep its existence a secret from the general public until a television documentary film by supporting character Dollar Bill announced it to the world. Dollar made a special mention to the currently open membership for the team. Consequently, in Defenders #62 (August 1978), the currently active members were joined by a large number of former associates and new recruits. The majority of the latter served for a single mission before quitting in Defenders #64 (October 1978).

Taking advantage of the newfound notoriety of the team, a number of supervillain formed their own rival group of so-called Defenders in Defenders #63 (September 1978). They soon came to conflict with their heroic counterparts and consequently disbanded in Defenders #64 (October 1978).

Cloud (Marvel) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.