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Doctor Nefarious

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Added by: Mercenaryblade

Read more about Doctor Nefarious at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Sony

Doctor Nefarious is a fictional character and the main antagonist from Insomniac Games' Ratchet & Clank video game series.

In the series, Dr. Nefarious is a robotic mad scientist and supervillain with a deep, distinct hatred for organic lifeforms. He is depicted as the arch-nemesis of Captain Qwark and later of the duo Ratchet and Clank. Throughout the series, Nefarious is always accompanied by his loyal robotic butler, Lawrence, who often proves to be much more shrewd than his pompous master. He has a famous trademark gag of that whenever he loses his temper or is put under extreme stress, Nefarious instantly malfunctions and freezes up, while radio waves of episodes from the fictional soap opera series Lance and Janice are broadcast through his antenna, until he is whacked behind the head by Lawrence or someone else.

Most of what is known about Doctor Nefarious' past comes from the less-than-reliable Qwark vid-comics featured in Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal. Originally an organic humanoid with an abnormally-large head, Dr. Nefarious first appeared in a comic where, angry and embittered against those who had belittled him for his deformed appearance, he created an army of mutant Amoeboids to infest and destroy Blackwater City on planet Rilgar. After fending off the Amoeboids, superhero Captain Qwark traced Nefarious to a secret robot factory on planet Magmos and confronted the villain. Upon meeting him, Qwark recognized Nefarious as one of the students he bullied and humiliated in high school. Qwark then attempted to give Nefarious a wedgie "for old times' sake", but instead accidentally knocked the doctor off a catwalk and into the machinery below, which ultimately led to his transformation into a robot. Driven insane by the experience, Nefarious soon resurfaced and unleashed a swarm of robotic insect on the city of Metropolis on planet Kerwan to get revenge on Qwark, who confronted and defeated him again; Nefarious' body was badly damaged and all that was left of the villain was his disembodied head, which Qwark dumped in a trash can intending to get rid of him for good. Qwark was subsequently knocked out by Nefarious' butler, Lawrence, and taken to the former's ice planet lab. Qwark managed to escape while Nefarious began planning his vendetta while his body was repaired; however, the hasty repairs left Nefarious with a habit of malfunctioning in times of extreme stress (during which he freezes up and receives random radio signals of a holo-vision soap opera series, Lance and Janice, in his head) until being whacked by Lawrence or any of his allies.

While Nefarious is neither seen nor mentioned, his Amoeboids appear in Blackwater City on Rilgar in the original Ratchet & Clank. This suggests that he was involved in or aware of the plans of Chairman Drek, an idea that is later hinted at in Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One when Lawrence and Nefarious both mention the Blarg. This would also explain his inclusion as the main antagonist in the Ratchet & Clank remake and tie-in film.

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