CBUB / Database / Comics / G / Giganto (Deviant Mutate)

Giganto (Deviant Mutate)

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CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Z451

Read more about Giganto (Deviant Mutate) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Giganto ( ) is the name of two fictional monsters appearing in American comic book published by Marvel Comics.

The Deviant Mutate version of Giganto was first seen in Fantastic Four #1 and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

The Atlantean beast version of Giganto was first seen in Fantastic Four #4 and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

The first Giganto seen was one of the mutates created by the Deviant scientists to serve as part of Kro's invasion force when gathered on Monster Island. After Monster Hunters forced Kro to leave Monster Island, Giganto and the other Deviant Mutates found a new master known as the Mole Man and the Deviant Mutates live with him in Subterranea.

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