CBUB / Database / Comics / H / Headmistress (Anya)

Headmistress (Anya)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: ViceCityMobster86

Read more about Headmistress (Anya) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Entertainment

The comic book stories published by Marvel Comics since the 1940s have featured several noteworthy concepts besides its fictional characters, such as unique places and artifacts. There follows a list of those features.

Certain places feature prominently in the Marvel Universe, some real-life, others fictional and unique to the setting; fictional places may appear in conjunction with, or even within, real-world locales.

Many Marvel Comics stories are set in New York City, where the publishing company is based.

New York is the site of many places important to superheroes:

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