CBUB / Database / Comics / L / The Legion of Superheroes

The Legion of Superheroes

CBUB Wins: 4
CBUB Losses: 6
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 40.00%

Added by: Captain Universe

Read more about The Legion of Superheroes at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

The Legion of Super-Heroes is a fiction superhero team in the 30th and 31st centuries of the . The team first appears in Adventure Comics #247 (April 1958), and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino.

Initially, the team was closely associated with the original Superboy (Superman when he was a teenager), and was first portrayed as a group of time travel who frequently visited him. In later years, the Legion's origin and back story were fleshed out, and the group replaced Superboy as the focus of their stories; eventually Superboy was removed altogether, except as an occasional guest star.

The team has undergone several major reboots during its publication. The original version was replaced with a new rebooted version following the events of Zero Hour and another rebooted team was introduced in 2004. A fourth version of the team, nearly identical to the original version, was introduced in 2007. As a result, Superman (both as an adult and a teenager) has been reincorporated into Legion history.

Although intended as a one-off story focusing on Superboy, the Legion proved so popular that it returned for an encore in Adventure Comics #267 (December 1959). Lightning Boy had been renamed Lightning Lad, and their costumes were very close to those they wore throughout the Silver Age of Comic Books. The Legion's popularity grew, and they appeared in further stories in Adventure Comics and Action Comics over the next few years. The ranks of the Legion, only hinted at in those first two stories, were filled with new heroes, such as Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, Colossal Boy, Star Boy, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy, Phantom Girl, and Ultra Boy. Even Supergirl was recruited as a member.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Imperial Guard (Marvel) 71 to 73
Loss Shuma-Gorath 53 to 95
Loss The Avengers 43 to 58
Win Black Adam 75 to 28
Loss Dark Phoenix 38 to 63
Win DeathKlok 73 to 45
Loss Crime Syndicate of Amerika 8 to 15
Win Doom Patrol 17 to 6
Win New Avengers 9 to 6

No Fantasy Draft Records Available