CBUB / Database / Comics / D / Dr. Toni Ho

Dr. Toni Ho

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Movie-Brat

Read more about Dr. Toni Ho at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Dr. Toni Ho is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic book published by Marvel Comics.

Toni Ho first appeared in New Avengers Vol. 4 #1 (December 2015), and created by Al Ewing (writer) and Gerardo Sandoval (artist).

Antonia Yinsen is Ho Yinsen's daughter who is an engineer with three doctorates.

She becomes a member of the rehabilitated Avengers Idea Mechanics after being bought out by Roberto da Costa. As part of the group, she serves as part of a support team for the New Avengers. Toni also studied Aikku Jokinen, the sentient Pod suit's wearer. Toni took an interest in Aikku, not only due to the Pod suit but because she sympathizes with Aikku's personal reasons for not wanting to take Pod off. Toni falls in love with Aikku who reciprocated these feelings. Both were attacked by the Maker to which Toni (in her own Iron Man armor) defended Aikku and Pod. When Pod ejected Aikku, Toni helps her love interest with the new undersuit.

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