CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / F / Furiosa


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Read more about Furiosa at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Warner Bros.

Imperator Furiosa is a fictional character and one of two protagonists of the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road. She is a war captain under Immortan Joe but turns against him in order to free "The Five Wives", Joe's female concubines (or "breeders").

She meets Max Rockatansky during her journey and, despite initial hostility, the two become allies and team up to drive The Five Wives to a safe environment called The Green Place. She considers Max "reliable".

Eventually, Furiosa reaches her birthplace, whereupon she is received as one of the Vuvalini of Many Mothers. In a subsequent council, Furiosa initially opts to join the Vuvalini in their trek across the salt flats to find a new home, but is persuaded to return to the Citadel by Max when he points out that it is the closest known source of water. More importantly, Max points out that with the bulk of Joe's forces engaged in pursuing Furiosa, Joe's Citadel is unlikely to be well manned against an incursion. Capitalizing on this opportunity, Furiosa leads the rag-tag group of rebels back to the Citadel, in the process engaging in a running battle with several groups of vehicles manned by the Warboys. Ultimately, Furiosa is able to board Joe's truck and slays the dictator. Upon returning to the citadel in Joe's truck, Max displays Joe's dead body, resulting in widespread admiration for Furiosa and her exploits. She is last seen ascending into the citadel on a lift used to move vehicles into and out of the facility.

One of the scripts completed for a Fury Road sequel was entitled Mad Max: Furiosa, and George Miller hoped to film it after the release of Fury Road. However, in a 2015 interview, Miller said:

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