CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / M / Mudhorn


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Added by: Mercenaryblade

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Official Site: Lucasfilm

"Chapter 2: The Child" is the second episode of the first season of the American streaming television series The Mandalorian. It was written by the series' showrunner Jon Favreau, directed by Rick Famuyiwa, and released on Disney+ on November 15, 2019. The episode stars Pedro Pascal as The Mandalorian, a lone bounty hunter who has retrieved "The Child". The episode was nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards, winning two of them.

While returning to his ship on foot with the Child in tow, the Mandalorian is ambushed by a trio of Trandoshan warriors. He disintegrates one attempting to rush and kill the Child, revealing a tracking fob. Upon returning to his ship, he finds a team of Jawas scavenging it for parts. After a short battle, they retreat in their Sandcrawler and stun the Mandalorian unconscious with ion blasts. He returns to his ship, finding it stripped bare and all of his weaponry stolen. With the assistance of Kuiil, he grudgingly bargains with the Jawas to return his ship's parts in return for retrieving the egg of a Mud Horn, a large horned beast.

The Mandalorian locates and gets thrown around and battered by one such Mud Horn at its den. As the beast charges to finish the Mandalorian, his weapons failing and his armor heavily damaged, the Child uses the Force to lift it, allowing the Mandalorian to go for the kill. He returns with the Egg, and the Jawas cut it open and eat its contents. He and Kuiil repair his ship, after which Kuiil turns down the Mandalorian's offer of reward and crewing his ship. After parting as friends, the Mandalorian takes to space and the Child wakes for the first time after exhausting itself using the Force.

The episode was directed by Rick Famuyiwa, and written by showrunner Jon Favreau.

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