CBUB / Database / Comics / I / Iso


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Movie-Brat

Read more about Iso at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Icarus (Joshua "Jay" Guthrie) is a mutant superhero. He was a member of the student body at the Xavier Institute and a member of the New Mutants training squad. Jay was the son of Thomas and Lucinda Guthrie. Thomas dies early in Jay's life due to black lung, developed from working in local Kentucky coal mines. Jay's older siblings Sam (Cannonball) and Paige (Husk) are mutants as well, and both have been members of the X-Men. When he himself developed mutant powers, he hid them from his family. However, when performing in his band, playing guitar, he exposed his wings to the crowd as a 'stage gimmick'. Believed to be descended from the ancient race of Cheyarafim mutants, Icarus possesses red-colored, feathered angel-like wings which allow flight and produce extensive regenerative enzymes allowing him to recover from normally fatal injuries. However, this healing factor comes from his wings; when his wings were removed, he lost this ability. His voice is capable of producing sonic frequency beyond the range of human capability as well as creating multiple sounds or voices at once.

After M-Day, Icarus was one of the few mutants who kept their powers; however, someone cut off his wings and left him bleeding at the doorsteps of the mansion. His healing factor did not cure these injuries, as it was later revealed by Dr. McCoy that his healing powers came from his wings. Jay rebuffed efforts by his friend Elixir to heal his wings.

It was later revealed that Jay was actually tricked by William Stryker, who told Jay if he gave his wings "back to God" his friends would be saved by Stryker. Jay called him to inform the children were leaving on a bus, which led to its bombing. Many of the de-powered students died in the blast. When Jay confronted William Stryker, Stryker confessed that not only was he responsible for the bombing on the bus but he was also responsible for the death of Julia Cabot, having given the other Cabots the armor. Stryker then proceeded to shoot Jay. Icarus was then shown dying with Nimrod deciding whether or not to finish him off. Nimrod left Jay alone, calculating that he was already mortally wounded. After that, Icarus was found dead by Ms. Marvel and Iron Man in Stryker's church with his hand in a position of writing, he was able to write "NIMR" plus half of the "O" with his own blood before he died.

Later, a memorial service was held for Icarus, as well as all of the other students who had died. The memorial was attended by the X-Men and Icarus's family including Husk, Aero, Cannonball and their mother Lucinda.

Iso has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.