CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / L / Luc Deveraux

Luc Deveraux

CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 2
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Added by: ViceCityMobster86

Read more about Luc Deveraux at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Sony Entertainment

Universal Soldier is a 1992 science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich and starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren as soldiers who kill each other in Vietnam but are reanimated in a secret Army project along with a large group of other previously dead soldiers.

At the 1992 Cannes film festival, Van Damme and Lundgren were involved in a verbal altercation that almost turned physical when both men pushed each other only to be separated. On his website, Dolph Lundgren confirmed that it was just a publicity stunt to promote the film.

In 1969, during the Vietnam War, an American military squad receives orders to secure a village against North Vietnam forces. Private Luc Devereaux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) discovers members of his squad and various villagers dead, all with their ears removed. The culprit behind the mutilations is revealed to be leading officer Sergeant Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren), who has gone insane. Deveraux finds Scott holding a string of severed ears and also holding a young boy and girl hostage.

Devereaux, who is near the end of his tour of duty, tries to reason with Scott, saying that the war is over and that he just wants to go home. Scott becomes infuriated and shoots the boy. He then orders Devereaux to shoot the girl to prove his loyalty. Deveraux refuses and stops Scott from shooting her himself. The girl attempts to escape but Scott kills her with a grenade. Devereaux turns on Scott and both shoot each other to death. The next morning, a U.S. Special Forces squad finds their bodies. The commanding officer orders the bodies to be bagged and iced and to officially cover up their deaths as "missing in action".

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Berserker Predator 8 to 14
Loss Red Skull 6 to 7
Win Captain Rex 10 to 6
Win John Spartan 11 to 8

No Fantasy Draft Records Available