CBUB / Database / Horror / G / Glory


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Fenris Wolf

Read more about Glory at: Wikipedia

Official Site: FOX Broadcasting Company

Glory is a fictional character in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Also known as "Glorificus", "That Which Cannot Be Named" and "The Beast", she appeared during the fifth season of the program and was portrayed by Clare Kramer.

Glorificus (also known as "Glory" ) is a god from a hell dimension in which she ruled alongside two other deities. Glory's power, army and dominion were vast and continued to grow stronger and stronger, and Glory quickly became the most powerful of the three hell gods. Afraid and fearful that Glory would grow too powerful and seize the dimension for herself, the other two allied together and went to war against Glorificus. The hell gods barely defeated Glory, but despite their victory Glory was too powerful to destroy, so they banished her into the earthly dimension, where her essence would be inprisoned in a human child named Ben, created solely to "contain" her.

Unexpectedly Glory was too powerful to be completely contained within a human vessel and although not until Ben reached 20, Glory began to gain control over Ben for short periods of time, taking the form of a vain, self-centered human female possessing superhuman strength, speed and invulnerability. Glory's strength was greater than any slayer, vampire or demon on earth although her powers were greatly diminished compared to the powers she had as a god. Dark magics prevent humans from learning that Glory and Ben are one and the same, even if she transforms right in front of them they instantly forget what they saw. However, the spell does not affect supernatural entities like vampires and demons. This becomes a recurring joke in the penultimate episode of Season Five, where Spike finds himself repeatedly having to explain to the Scooby Gang that Ben and Glory are the same person, only for them either to misunderstand him or to instantly forget. However, as Ben and Glory's personalities begin to merge more and more (see below), the magical ruse weakens until, in the finale, the whole gang is able to see through it.

Glory's only goal is to find the "Key", a mystical energy nexus which is the only way for her to return to her original dimension. Unfortunately, using the Key will break down the barriers between all dimensions, all worlds will bleed into each other allowing "hell to reign on Earth". The Key was safe guarded by an ancient group of monks known as The Order of Dagon. When they discovered The Beast (Glory) was after the key they chose to hide it. Using ancient magic they transformed the key into a human girl and placed her under the protection of the slayer Buffy, altering the memories of the slayer and anyone connected to her into believing the girl was Buffy's sister Dawn. The Order of Dagon were destroyed by Glorificus, the last of the monks was taken and interogated by Glory, and later rescued by Buffy. Before the monk died he revealed to Glory (under torture) that the key had been transformed, but not what the key had become.


Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

Glory has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.