The Barbarian-Viking Allaince



Captain: elijah the barbarian


Team Wins: 1

Team Losses: 0


Alignment: hero

Location: Middle-Earth


Zoot Suit Riot

Team Rookie

The Barbarian-Viking Alliance helps it's teamates in achieving what is best in life


The Barbarian-Viking Alliance was fromed by one of the many sons of Zeus, Elijah the Cimmerian Barbarian in order to stop a ever growing and destructive war between Barbarians and Vinkings. It's main purpose is to help each other achieve what is best in live,To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. To kill the unjust and to save the Righteous where ever they may be.


The Barbarian-Viking Alliance was fromed by one of the many sons of Zeus, Elijah the Cimmerian Barbarian in order to stop a ever growing and destructive war between Barbarians and Vinkings. Elijah knew that if he could get and Alliance with Asguard he could get an Alliance with the barbarians and vikings. When Elijah arrived at the Gates of Asguard he is blocked by the gate keppers and when he refuses to leave the guards attempt to kill him but when Elijah whips out his Narsil they recognize him as the closest person to almost killing Zeus and Hades and they let him pass. Elijah goes to the Halls of Valhalla and askes for and audience with Cnut the Great, Cnut accepts the Audience and Elijah tells him of the impeding war between the barbarians and vikings and how he plans to stop it. They then go to the Barbarian-Viking crossrodes in Athens, Greece and then they call all the barbarians and all the vikings and publicly shake hand and told the barbarians to shake hands with the vikings and after they did the Barbarian-Vinking alliance was fromed , Elijah left Olympus to look after and lead the Alliance in achieving what is best in life To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. To kill the unjust and save the Righteous



2013-05-12 13:31:45 - Team Rookie won a match vs. Test Character Version 2 11 to 4

2013-05-05 15:20:14 - Zoot Suit Riot has joined the team

2013-05-05 02:44:16 - Team Rookie has joined the team