The Art of Sort-of Fighting
Martial Arts: Standard
Every ninja knows how to fight. What the average stupid foreigner doesn't know is that, really, they don't know how to fight. All they really do is take mall cops by surprise. But beware, for the Ridiculous Ninja is a master of the Fighting-Better-Than-People-Who-Don't-Know-How-To-Fight style. Unless of course, you DO know how to fight. Good for you.
Take That, Causality
Martial Supremacy: Superior
Ninjas train inhuman amounts, more training than anyone could do in a lifetime, while remaining in their 20's. Don't ask how, it's a ninja secret. This intense training allows them to perform amazing feats like punch someone in the face so hard their head explodes, or get shot at by dozens of guards without getting hit, or fly backwards thirty feet after getting kicked. Not real useful that last one, but nobody argues with ninjas.
Much training > Gravity
Leaping: Standard
Leaping to and from battle is an essential skill. Doing so from a 5th floor balcony or atop a telephone pole is a ninja trademark. A good battle cry that gives your opponent plenty of warning is even more important. His victims' awe is worth sacrificing the chance to accomplish anything.
The Gi of Many Things
Weapons Creation: Superior
- Ranged Attack Only
- Ranged and Melee Attack
At a glance, the average ninja is unarmed, but it's just a part of stealth! Nevermind that technically you aren't supposed to see them in the first place. From the folds of their uniform comes shuriken, kunai, darts, an entire bow with arrows. Gaze in wonder and horror as none of these weapons are used in the way they were made to.
Sword of my Ancestors
Slicing Attack: Superior
- Weakness: Power in Item - Hard to Lose
No ninja is complete without a katana; the better the sword, the better the warrior. Every shinobi knows that when dueling, the one with the most legendary sword always wins. The Ridiculous Ninja stole his from his master's dojo, but no worries. Nobody will find out as long as he doesn't have to fight someone from his own ninja school, and how often does THAT happen?
The Ninja's Essence
Mind Blast: Standard
- Area Affect
- Weakness: Limited Uses - One Use
The true power of a ninja is not his skill or weapons. It's implausibility. One on one, you have a real chance to defeat a ninja. But everyone knows that when you come at one with overwhelming numbers, your force is reduced to a pack of bumbling, incompetent fools. Have fun watching your highly-paid goons become easily-dispatched ridiculous overkill fodder.