Nanotech School Girl Uniform
Mechanized Armor: Supreme
The rather kawaii clothes she wears are designed to be the exact copy of the MGVTI's uniform. The main difference is that opposed to cloth the suit is in fact a network of millions of tiny robots that are spread out over her body. They project the image of the uniform as well as shielding her body from harm. These robots cover every square inch of her body and are linked directly into her brain. They take their commands directly from her mind (e.g. She wants to walk, the robots act on that impulse and move her legs so she appears to be walking on her own). The places where her skin is visible are indeed covered with the same kind of micro-technology, the only difference being that those robots were designed to be invisible. The robots are surprisingly strong and for the most part are weightless, the entire suit weighs as much as long sleeve cotton shirt.
Portable Nuclear Accelerator: Supreme
- Ranged Attack Only
- Armor Piercing
- Ranged and Melee Attack
After weeks of trying to properly choreograph her movements to correspond with the movement based trigger system for her nanorobotic suits nuclear accelerator she gave up and had the system reprogrammed to respond to a more simple routine. As opposed to the elaborate dance she would have preferred using she now triggers it by placing her wrists together over her chest, thrusting them towards the target with her fingers spread out and screaming "Spiffy-Ultra-Fine-Annihilation!!!!" The portable nuclear accelerator that she uses is spread out in the nanorobots that comprise her armor. The code is set so that only movements described will allow the accelerator to fire. As she executes the moves the yellow energy the accelerator emits can be seen flowing all over her body and finally collecting in two points on her wrists. The beam itself is powerful enough to destroy pretty much anything on contact.
Rhetoric Induced Motor Failure
Paralysis: Superior
- Area Affect
- Weakness: Limited Uses - One Use
One of the first problems encountered by any aspiring Magical Girl is the simple fact that most enemies will not wait patiently for you to finish your speeches. The technicians who made Jayme's armor found a way around this little problem. Basically an energy pulse roughly 30 feet in diameter is released from her suit while she's giving her speech. The pulse does no permanent harm to those hit by it, all it does is cause a synaptic shutdown in the victims motor-functions and thereby render them paralyzed or at the very least incredibly sluggish.
Impending Doom Warning System
Danger Sense: Superior
One of the first systems she requested when speaking to the designers of her Nanotech suit was an early warning system. She really didn't like the idea of being snuck up on or being caught off guard by an attack. The technicians at Nanotech created the Impending Doom Warning System in response to her request. It works by detecting any incoming attack and alerting her by directly stimulating her nervous system to respond to the attack. The addition of the Anti-Bumbling Software made the Impending Doom Warning System all the more effective in keeping her out of harms way.
Anti-Bumbling Software
Acrobat: Superior
Magical Girls, as a rule, are damn near impossible to hit with a ranged attack. MGVTI's ruling that she was "homogeneously unqualified" to be a Magical Girl made mention of her three straight failing grades in all of the Applied Scrambling: Practice and Theory classes. She couldn't dodge a Koosh ball thrown from 100 yards at 25 miles per hour. In order to correct for this inability to flee from incoming danger her Impending Doom Warning System was linked to the movement systems in her Nanotech suit. When the suit detects danger it moves her out of the way in a manner she would never be able to do on her own. This has saved her skin countless times.
Impeccable Aim
Marksman: Standard
The only thing she excelled at in the MGVTI was her Marksmanship classes. She was a natural shot. If it hadn't been for her complete incompetence in every other facet of her Magical Girl training she would have done wonderfully. This is the only ability she has that is not somehow enhanced by her Nanotech suit. And while she isn't the greatest shot in the world, she's good enough to not be trifled with.
Suit Upgrade: Invisibility
Invisibility: Standard
- Weakness: Limited Uses - Multi-Use
Nanotech is, for the most part, a respectable company. As such they tend not to associate themselves with the criminal element. Jayme's sudden leap into the limelight has startled the creators of her suit. After all, they designed the suit to be used by a Magical Girl who would use it to destroy evil. And here Jayme was using it to loot jewelery stores. Rather than loose their shareholders under accusations that they are aiding and abetting a known criminal, and also because getting the suit back from Jayme would be...problematic, Nanotech has installed an Invisibility Chip into the suit's subsystems. The idea being that so long as Jayme was invisible people wouldn't know that her equipment was designed by Nanotech. Nanotech has warned her though that the Invisibility Chip can only be activated ten times before it needs to be recharged.