12 Step Program
Emotion Control: Ultimate
After months of studying the minds of the LOTMU Khazan's top psychiatrists have developed an easy to follow 12 step program that can turn any crazy into a relaxed individual. Because after a long day of beating up namby pamby heroes and villains even Ramon enjoys a bubble bath and soft jazz.
Great Writing
Force of Will: Supreme
Written and editied by some of Khazan's best self help writers, Chicken Soup For The Mentally Unstable Soul is a real page turner. You'll find it diffiuclt to put it down for even a second.
Ouch! Paper Cut!
Natural Weaponry: Standard
Made from the finest, stiffest stock of paper, Chicken Soup For The Mentally Unstable Soul's edges are so straight they can cause wicked paper cuts from hell for the unwary reader.
Hard Cover Edition
Body Armor: Standard
The hard cover of Chicken Soup For The Mentally Unstable Soul can take anything from a splash of ice tea to weak eldrich blasts. It's that tough!