Hall Of Fame!
Survival - 8 Wins!
Brutal - 2 Fatalities
Alignment: Hero
Team: Solo Hero
Strength: Standard
Agility: Standard
Mind: Standard
Body: Standard
Personal Wins: 8
Personal Losses: 3
Yeah, I know what your thinking, there's already a legendary hero with a similar name(for legal reasons I am not allowed to mention his name directly). But let me say, I am nothing like the guy that's obsessed with flying rodents and teenage boys. You see, I get my powers from a magical Bat, as in the Louisville Slugger type of Bat, thus, I am The Bat Man. I'd go with something else but The Baseball Bat Man just sounds dumb, so does Bat Guy. So, I put a space between bat and man, making my name new, original and most importantly uncopyrighted yet with a tinge of name recognition thrown in for good measure. Eat that Rodent Boy!! So why am I doing this Super-hero gig? Cause its what I like to do. As if I'm gonna work some lame 9-5 office job when I can make a living bustin' heads with The Eldrich Bat. It's really a very lucrative career. Don't let Comic books fool you, the endorsement contracts a good hero can get are worth millions. Take Nike for instance. They pay me very well to run around fighting crime in their latest shoes, but then I here Reebok is interested in out bidding them as soon as my contract expires. We'll have to see what the dollar signs read, if you know what I mean. You wanna know how much I got paid to do a 'Got Milk?' ad? To bad, I ain't gonna tell you cause it's none of your business. Heh! Oh, don't get me wrong, I enjoy helping people, I just figure, ''Why should I bust my hump for free?'' The cops get paid. The army gets paid. Why shouldn't I get paid for doing their job for them? Of course I don't get a steady pay cheque and I have to keep busting my hump and risking life and limb to keep the contracts, but it's a helluva lot better than the alternative. Heck, with my education, I'd be lucky to get a factory job packing potato chips. So, here I am, my trusty Bat in hand, kicking muchos del asno as The Bat Man. Yeah, so my Spanish sucks, wanna make something of it??
Some say I have an attitude problem. I say screw them, I get my job done and that's what counts. I smile for the cameras and I kiss the babies when it counts; so what if I'm not the nicest guy when I'm kicking the crap out of the baddies. And the media prefers guys like me anyway - we make for a better story. They're sick to death of goody two-shoes like Captain Khazan and Atisha. Guys like me are goldmines cause the kids love us. Today's kids don't want a prim and proper hero, they want one that isn't afraid to do some damage, especially with a baseball bat. I dunno what it is, but kids love the thought of pounding a guys head in with a Bat. It's a weapon they can all relate to. How many kids have actually held a 2-handed broad sword? Or a Fully Automatic assault rifle? Not many, that's how many. So, they love me. They can pick up their Baseball bat and play Bat Man and Villain. People say I help promote youth violence, I say if the parents raised their kids properly, perhaps spoke to them and listened to what they have to say, society wouldn't need guys like me to bust evil heads. Still, I need to remind the kids not to try the stuff I do while busting up criminals and to be careful when they swing them bats around, I'm a professional hero, and have trained extensively to do what I do and I only beat up on truely evil criminals. The last thing I need is some angry mom coming down on me cause her 8 year old just beat up his 'Evil' younger sister with a bat while imitating me. That's just bad PR. Actually, this gives me an idea...Foam Eldrich Bats for the kiddies to play with!! Yeah!! I'll make a fortune!!
The Eldrich Bat
Eldrich Blast: Supreme
- Ranged Attack Only
- Target Seeker
- Ranged and Melee Attack
This is my baby, The Eldrich Bat. I found it in a dumpster when I was working as a garbage collector, or as we liked to call ourselves, Waste Management Technicians. At the time I had no idea how much this simple looking wooden bat would change my life. It took me a bit to figure out what it was and what it could do, but wow, once I did, I was sure glad my dad forced me to play little league. At least I had some foundation for learning to use it properly. Anyway, The Eldrich Bat can turn into a Bat of Pure magical energies and does some serious damage when I nail someone up side the head with it. But that's not the best part. It let's me form magical baseballs that I can smack into left field and take out criminals from a far. So far I've managed to avoid using cheesy lines like 'Homerun' and 'Grandslam' except in a commercial or two, but they offered me a lot of money to say that.
Bat Master
Sword Master: Supreme
Thanks to good old over-controlling Pop, who forced me into Little League as a child, I had a good foundation to build on when learning how to use the Eldrich Bat when I found it. Well, I liked baseball anyway, but it wasn't my first choice in games. Ironic that I'm now The Bat Man. Anyway, I took some time out to learn how to use the thing before I tried to stop my first criminal (you can't impress potential sponsors without having some sweet moves and getting your butt kicked your first time out is a sure fire way to scare them off for good) and have only gotten better since.
Ball Smacking
Thrown Objects: Superior
In little league I wasn't much of a hitter, good thing age tends to increase your accuracy. Well, that and the years of practice smacking baseballs around before I started doing any serious Magical Ball Smacking with the Eldrich Bat. Now, I rarely miss what I'm aiming at.
Bat Block
Force Field: Supreme
The Eldrich Bat lets me block attacks with it. It's pretty much indestructible, so it can take a pretty good hit. I usually use a Bat Block along with an evasive maneuver to help avoid attacks and lesson the damage the bat has to absorb. Glancing blows don't hurt nearly as much as a full head on hit.
Acrobat: Superior
Sorry about the bad name, my PR guy insisted on it, I think I'm gonna fire him. Anyway, I've had to learn a few moves to survive in this Hero business. I'm not bad at dodging attacks and when I can't completely dodge an attack, I use my Bat Block to weaken any glancing blows I may take. Come to think of it, I'm pretty damn good really.