If you ask my parents, they'll tell you I was always a precotious child. I mean, I started speaking full sentences when I was three months old and by the time my first birthday came around, my favorite book was Catch-22 (Hehe... That Major Major Major Major). I had enrolled in MENSA at three, but everyone was older than me and I felt weird. Still, I felt even weirder with kids my own age. I mean, imagine trying to discuss the Critique of Pure Reason with someone who is exerting every last neuron towards NOT eating the Play-doh pizza he just made. And, I mean, it's not like my parents understood. In retrospect, I think the computer was a way to assuage their guilt for them not being able to understand a lot of what I liked to talk about, but it was still the most influential event in my life. It took me a couple of hours to figure out the command line interface (Commondore 64's; the appeal of the retro computer is lost on ungrateful later generations of computer users). As I got older, more and more complicated systems made their way across my desk and I mastered each and every single one. My parents got permission to not send me to school as I was learning more on my own than some woman teaching drolling five year olds that Apple starts with 'A'. I began to program when I was six, coding my "Hello World" program in BASIC. From there, it was only a short step to my short lived affair with Assembly code of all shapes and kinds. Each new language was a blur as I quickly learned to program perfectly in each one. C, C++, FORTRAN, COBOL, Java, Shockwave, Perl, and more graced my desktop. Of course I was getting bored just doing my own thing, though. I mean, no one TOLD me it was wrong to break into top secret government files, so it never really occured to me I shouldn't be doing it. By the time I was ten, my handle (Rez... My real name's Virgil and I hate it) had become quite well known in the hacker underground. I did things effortlessly that made people twice my age sweat. Of course, I was doing MORE than just computers. Mostly I delved into philosophy and quantum physics. Einstein, Heisenberg and Bohr filled my mind while Hegel, Sarte, Descartes, and others filled my soul. When I was 14, I viewed a line of code as just the right moment at just the right place and I finally understood. Too bad I went into a three day coma as a result, though, admittedly, it *was* a lot of information to process. Reality, I finally figured out, was quantifiable as lines of computer code. Every rock, every tree, every man, woman and child, everything had lines of code running it. As I sat in my hospital bed, frantically typing at my laptop, I confirmed this theory; I had coded a way to easily access the coding of reality. It was about a year later that I went to Battlemaster High on scholarship. Seems, somehow, they found out about my budding reality hacking talent and wanted me to develop it. It was quite the odd place, this school. Evil Mages, noble swordsmen, demon hunters and genius politicians, all of them distilled into high school age and size, were the student body. I learned much and met some good friends there. Many adventures later and one of them vanished. Ryoko Pharis. I followed the trail and eventually stumbled upon a horrible secret: the whole school was really atraining ground for an army that would eventually overtake reality! If I hadn't left when I did, I would have been a part of it (I heard later from old classmates that there was eventually a student revolt when this information leaked to too many people). From there, I didn't know where to go. I wandered a lot. I eventually enrolled in KSU (Khazan State University) and pursued a Masters in Philosophy. From there, I got an apartment in Uptown Khazan and, given the fact that a significant fraction of Khazan is superpowered, had some MORE wacky misadventures. I even managed to find one or two of my old BMH classmates. We chat on occasion. I even saved the world with them once or twice. However, as a result of this, I've become far more visible than I'd like. I've made a LOT more enemies, particularly with the Fallen. Not that I'm worried, but I've had to defend myself a lot more often now, even change apartments once or twice to avoid being found. Still, this I don't think I'd trade this in for a normal life. Being bored just isn't my style. Being the best is and each weird encounter I have gives me a new chance to prove it.
Arcane Lore
Arcane Lore: Superior
Not quite magic, not quite science. Rez doesn't really know what to call it. It's tapping into the fundamental stuff of reality, manipulating it to your whims, and executing the finished product. Sounds like magic, right? It would be, except for the fac tthat its manifestation is entirely unmagical. Some observers have called Rez's art 'Quantum Magic' due to its basis in scientific principles and computer coding, but even this is nothing more than a close approximation.
Alter Location Variables
Teleportation: Ultimate
- Weakness: Power in Item - Hard to Lose
Location variables. Everyone's got 'em, and I can change 'em. This was something I learned early on, back in my Battlemaster High days, when I began to notice more and more things about the fundamental coding of reality. You see, everyone's got a set of numbers and letters assigned to them that are always changing as long as they move about their surroundings and their surroundings move about them. You wouldn't believe how many numbers and letters are on each person! You got values for lattitude, longitude, height, deapth, relative position in the solar system, galaxy, universe, plane of existence! And that's not even counting the hundreds of alternate time streams that are affecting the value every second. It took me a while to find out what ALL the values meant, but once I did, I saved a bundle on airfaire. You know how expensive an airplane ride is to Tropica Majora? Pretty expensive, that's how. Why go through all that hassle when you can just change around your own location properties and all of the sudden, BOOM! You've always been there. You see, when yuo do that, you're not really goING anywhere, because once you've changed your location variables, you've ALREADY gone there. You may as well have always been there. Still, it's not just long distance I do. Using my trusty wrist computer, I can zip from here to there as if on thin air. Those sorts of distances, I can input so fast that I can make several in a row before I need to recalibrate my location variables with the coding. Yea, y'see, if I'm not careful about that I might accidentally place myself into the heart of a super nova, so I gotta check the coding every now and again.
Alter Location Variables II
Tractor Beam: Supreme
- Ranged Attack Only
- Weakness: Power in Item - Hard to Lose
Of course, I'm not the ONLY one with location variables. But, hey, you knew that, right? EVERYTHING in existence has 'em, cuz, well, everything exists SOMEWHERE and to exist is to be somewhere (though, when you get in the case of omnipresent gods and the like, then you get complicated; of course I know how to find 'em in the code, but it's complicated. I don't wanna pop your tiny little brain). That means that if, let's say you were in the mood to point a gun at me or something, I could just change around the location variables of your gun and, hey, what DO you know? Now I have a gun and, look here, you don't. If you somehow feel like kung-foo fighting me, I just move around the location properties of a heavy vase to right above your head. That drops *most* people. Though, if it doesn't, then, hey, I can always target *your* location variables. I mean, I'm usually not so mean as to, for instance, teleport you into the center of a neutron star or something, unless you get into one of those bitchy "I wanna rule the universe" modes. In which case, I'll need to teach you a lesson. But, usually, I'll just fling you across the room, maybe into a wall or out a window. Or, hey, maybe I'll just teleport you 5,000 miles away somewhere in the snow-capped mountains. I know it's only a temporary solution, but I figure that by the time you get back I'll have something better planned. I mean, once I get a lock on your location variables and begin messing around with them, I'm touching you, in a sense; I mean, your coding kinda IS you. So sometimes when someone's annoying, I turn on the Kick/Ban of reality. Teleport them out of my sight and as soon as they come back, do it again. I figure that they'll get the hint eventually and give up. Of course, I'll need my wrist computer, especially if I'm in some sort of combat situation.
Taser Shocker
Electricity: Standard
- Weakness: Power in Item - Easy to Lose
Yea, when all else fails I have a taser stungun. I don't like to use it, but in cases that, say, force me to rely on means other than my amazing reality hacking skills, this is sometimes necessary for me own survival. It knocks out most people without a problem.
Hack Reality
Spellcraft: Ultimate
- Ranged Attack Only
- Area Affect
- Target Seeker
- Multi-Attacks
- Weakness: Power in Item - Hard to Lose
Screwing around location variables sure is my favorite reality hacking trick, but don't think it's my only trick. I mean, I *am* the best at what I do and no one who's the best can only do one thing, right? Right. I've been hacking the fabric of reality for a long time. What? You think I've learned everything there is to know? I appreciate the admiration, but, hey, I can't lie to myself. Or to you. There's still a lot more I haven't learned and I have a good feeling that even if I live to be 1000, I'll still have only scratched the surface. Still, not knowing everything is a far cry from knowing nothing, which I don't. Most of reality hacking is finding out what variables affect what and changing them around to a new value. For instance, electronics can be easily trashed by increasing the voltage variable in the machine while, at the same time, decreasing the capacity variable. The result is usually a spectacular explosion. Though, variables in the coe of reality aren't just numbers. They affect not only how much of a property something is, they affect the property itself. Like one time when I accidentally downloaded a copy of the Necronomicon (don't ask) and a bunch of zombies started invading my apartment! First I held by breath. Then I converted all oxygen in the apartment into hydrogen gas. After that, I teleported out of there and turned a spare pencil into plasma. I watched the whole place go boom from the safety of a block away. Let me tell you, zombie ash smells BAD. It took me a week to recode the rubble of the place into a functional building again, but it's better than being a zombie. You can even accelerate the time properties of something! Back when Fury Steel (you might know her as the Otakalypse, when she turned evilhad her mecha go berserk, I accelerated the aging of the ground beneath the machine. Made a sinkhole that led to a code net which changed the location properties of whatever fell into it, making it re-appear 10,000 feet in the air. I then closed the hole and dove for cover. Though, in retrospect, that was kind of excessive. I really should have just oxidized the metals and made it collapse. Or made the right hand come to life and start eating the rest of the mecha. Or turn the oil into acid. Or something else that caused less collateral damage. Still, I was young. We all make dumb mistakes when we're young. Of course, I'll need my wrist computer when I hack reality; I mean, without a computer, it's only a little bit impossible.
Observe the Chronal Code
Danger Sense: Supreme
- Weakness: Power in Item - Hard to Lose
Yes, fate is not absolute. I know this. I've defied it enough times and seen it defied enough times to not know this. However, while fate is not absolute, it's still really freakin' powerful and, guess what? It's easily visible within the lines of code. Y'see, as I said before, there are tons of variables attatched to everything in existence, from the mightest universe to the tiniest molecule and everything inbetween. Lines of code can easily determine future events and while actually going in and altering the code to affect the future is something that is plenty risky, simply *observing* the code and seeing what will lead to where is considerably less. When I see certain variables begin to pop up, I know what to expect next and, hey, I prepare for it. Still, I of course need my wrist computer to be able to interpret these computations.
Flame the Lame
Fire: Standard
- Ranged Attack Only
- Weakness: Power in Item - Easy to Lose
- Weakness: Not usable in terrain - Swamp
Yea, a lot of people annoy me, but I try to keep the "Teleport you into the heart of an active volcano" limited only to world shattering villains. Normal people who have pushed me over the edge I tend to just flame them until they're nice and roasted. I don't know how it does it (I suppose it's an after effect from me messing with reality so much) but somehow whenever I start tying up a nasty flame on my computer, I can just WILL whoever I've flaming to just catch on fire. It doesn't really kill or even seriously hurt. Just enough to teach the lame a lesson. Of course, it's just normal flame; if someone has, say, some way to control the temperature like ice or weather powers of course it'll shut down. And for some reason, even the weakest of reality manipulations stops it cold. And I need a separate keyboard to write a flame; it's small, but can still be knocked out my hands. It's a cheap thing and I wanna buy a better one soon. The damn thing always gets stuck from the intense humidity of the swamp.