I was born in 1904, or so the orphanage told me. Not even sure where I was born, but I was born none the less. The story goes that my mother left me at an orphanage in Hamburg, Germany when I was less than a year old. From then until I was about 10 years old and the Great War broke out, all I knew was the orphanage. My fellow waifs, Helga, Petra, Daniel, Olga, and about 100 other were kept locked up inside that place with what I consider now to be uncommon secrecy and efficiency. At that time however, I didn't think much of it. When the war did break out, I started hearing tales from the battle lines, rumors from different fronts, and general information about the war. The problem was that all of the information I was receiving came secondhand at best, watered down by nuns who thought it unsuitable for children to hear such horror stories. As the war progressed for several years, I heard many different versions of battles, plots, advances, and retreats from a variety of sources. But finally the war ended, Germany had lost, and I was left wondering what to do. As I became increasingly aware of my surroundings, I came to terms with some realizations and truths about the current situation. The tales of defeat for Germany had lifted the veil of naivety that the nuns there so desperately tried to impress upon every one of us. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that they were hiding some wondrous joy and privilege from me. To a degree they had valid reasons for watering down the truth and sheltering us, but as I've learned, naivety is the key for thieves, swindlers, and politicians to prey on. I came to realize that seeking my fortunes elsewhere was becoming a much more favorable option than my current situation. I decided to leave. Not because I hated the orphanage. Quite the contrary, I am still to this day grateful for all of the support those noble women gave me. I just truly felt I was meant for more than an orphanage or a convent. With that in mind, I wrote the letter. I explained my decision for leaving, thanked them for their generosity, and signed my name, Friedrich Kammerstein.
The Weimar Republic
Detective: Superior
Most history textbooks used in American public schools are complete garbage. They are tertiary sources and most of them lie to make little American children feel good about where they came from. Not that they shouldn't feel good, but use the truth. For example, Columbus felt the earth was round. Very good for him. However, saying he discovered the new world when there were people on the American continent for over a thousand years is just plain folly. The same could be said for depictions of the Weimar Republic. For those of you that don't know, the Weimar Republic was Germany's government from 1918 to 1933. From the end of the war until Adolf Hitler took power. Most textbooks would have you believe that the Weimar Republic was a just punishment for Germany's behavior during the war. However, they neglected to mention that the huge war reparations imposed by France caused a major block in Germany's economy. In short, the least valuable thing in Germany was the currency itself. Black markets, bartering, and secondhand dealing flourished while any semblance of a modern economy was only a fairy tale. Meanwhile, aristocrats in France enjoy cigarettes, wine, caviar, and lamb without lifting a finger because my countrymen work tirelessly to pay of a war debt. To the victor go the spoils. That is a true statement, but kicking someone when they are already down is not wise either.
Immunity: Emotion Control
Immunity: Standard
I never put much faith into the powers that be. Yes they're there and they exist, but that can change. Change is another thing that people have trouble accepting. I don't know why, it's perfectly natural. Look at tree leaves and flowers. Everything changes, cycles, and in some instances comes back to being the same thing again in time. By 1929, I felt more than ever that a change needed to occur. A decade after I left the nuns and their convent, I was fed up with the state of affairs in Germany. I had worked odd jobs for 10 years. I tended bar, worked construction, worked in factories, did anything to put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. Sleeping in gutters and back alleys became a regular occurrence. But in 1929, I became aware of a small, centralized group of political radicals. The National-Sozialistiche Partei. Later we would be known as Nazis. For now though, we were content to work underground to attempt to change things for the better. We subverted the current government officials in hopes of overthrowing them and bringing a better ruling class in. On one such occasion, we were bold enough to protest in the street. The police in the capital came out to us and demanded that we stop at once and go back to our normal lives. We replied that this act was in the course of our normal lives. They had no sympathy or pity for our situation. To the contrary, they seized us and beat us with clubs before throwing us in prison. The back of my head was throbbing, but I felt relieved because I had held fast to my convictions. And to make matters sweeter, that prison is where I met Adolf.
Armor Skin: Standard
Early to bed, early to rise. That seemed to be the motto of the prison. Wake us up at six o'clock in the morning, make us eat at seven whether we're hungry or not. Hose us down at eight followed by a really painful delousing. Free time from nine until noon, but there is nothing to do except lift weights or stand around. Eat lunch at noon. More free time until dinner at six. Then lights out at eight. Regimented, strictly controlled routine, something that Germany is renowned for. Day in, day out, the same exact routine of drudgery and monotony, but I didn't notice after one week. The only reason I survived prison is because I met Adolf the first day. We both sat down for breakfast at the same table. A sort of political prisoners table. Most of the inmates were there for various crimes like robbery, theft, murder and the like. But Adolf, myself and a select few sat at that small table in the corner. It was there that I heard his message and vision. His message of proud defiance against all who opposed us. His vision of returning Germany to its long-lost glory and world dominance. It inspired me. His plan to undermine and seize control of the government from within was genius. More importantly, his plan to bring Germany to power and fame once again was a catalyst to my heart. From the day I heard his ideas, I spent the rest of my four years in that prison helping him plan, strategize, and perfect his move to seize control. Only then could Germany return to its rightful place in the world.
Tactician: Superior
The political system in Germany at the time of our release was an absolute joke, but it served our purpose. Adolf campaign under the Nazi party. His message to the disenfranchised, poor, underprivileged, and other society outcasts paid off. After he was elected, he used his knowledge of the system to abolish the Congressional bodies and make himself absolute ruler. After his power was solidified, we set about a plan of action. He sent Christoph as an emissary to Mussolini in Italy. Martin was sent to Russia to sway the ruler there. I was sent to America. Not because I could convince Roosevelt that our cause was noble, but to curry favor among the downtrodden members of society there. I would go to the ghettos, the inner cities, and the alleyways in search of people who had lost faith in the American dream. Then I would unite them under a new vision, a new flag, and a new order. This whole plan started when we were all in prison together, serving a jail sentence for having beliefs that weren't welcome in a society that needed them. Kind of funny that a society so determined to squelch those ideas of power and greatness did the very thing to help us achieve them.
Mind Control: Standard
When I arrived in America, I noticed several things. First, the United States does not look all that different than Germany. They speak a different language, have a currency that actually carries weight and more luxuries, but the people look the same. Everyone is hurrying somewhere with a mission of utmost importance and can't be bothered to be kind to their fellow man. Not that I was looking for a handout, but it just struck me that people are so self-absorbed that they seldom notice the outside world much less care about it. That's where I began. The outcasts, the rejects, the rebels, and all society's discards were my first targets. I told them of a better way. Of honest work and honest wages. Being part of a vision of greatness appealed to some, but others were not convinced. I tactfully reminded them of all the things that had gone wrong in their lives. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you." This swayed more of them. I was the new Adolf, spreading a message of hope and glory to the lost and broken. Step one was complete. Gain their trust and support in the vision. Step two would prove to be more difficult. Making an impact would take time and precision. I was up the challenge, I just needed some time to implement it.
The Masses
Commander: Superior
My first step after securing some followers or like-minded visionaries was organization. We needed organization and unity to survive. If prison taught me anything it was that. Sure I heard Adolf's philosophy in there, but the prison itself taught me that unity means survival. I traveled from city to city, recruiting new members and solidifying local groups. Within a year, I had groups in Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Washington D.C., Newark, and Hartford. These groups all had the same function; to undermine the government here and look out for each other. At first it was simple things like making it clear to other groups that we did not tolerate any sort of foolishness. Trying to take over our domain was met with hostility. Furthermore, I had leaders in every city. Their responsibility was to make sure everyone in the group was fed, taken care of, and so forth. I did not care how it happened, as long as it happened. Soon we were making local news. Not too much was said and our group wasn't mentioned specifically. Our rival gangs however, were getting much media time because of what we were doing to them. Some of their members turned up beaten and barely alive in alleys. Stores known as their affiliates were robbed and vandalized. Anything to draw attention away from ourselves was important. Adolf's plan specifically mentioned when we were to start gained public notoriety and the time had not yet come.
Peter Jordan
Commander: Superior
Peter Jordan was my first follower. I met him on my second day in New York. I introduced myself to him after he had a fight with a couple black kids in his neighborhood. I asked him why he was fighting. Through a bloody nose he said that he just hated black people because they made it near impossible for him and his family to live safely in the city. He had a young wife and a baby daughter and was working two jobs so he could afford to live in a slum apartment. I felt sad for him, but feeling sad wasn't going to help him. I told him what Adolf said, about equality, hard work and honesty. He immediately latched on to the idea. Soon enough, before I had even asked him to, he brought every white person in his neighborhood to see me. He brought everyone who felt unsafe because they lived in a predominantly black area. I told them the same thing and most of them embraced this new vision with warmth. That was the beginning of the group in New York. From there I went to Boston. One of the New York men, Aaron Jameson, came with me because his brother lived there. We sought out his brother who also lived in the slums and shared the message with him. He immediately was energized and excitedly for this cause. Just like wildfire, this message soon spread to the major cities with my help and pretty soon, we had a well-organized group along the eastern seaboard, ready to strike when the time is right.
Projectile Attack: Standard
- Ranged Attack Only
- Multi-Attacks
- Ranged and Melee Attack
I was talking with Peter Jordan outside of his apartment one night. We were standing in the alley so as not to be heard from the street. We were discussing possible scenarios and ideas to cause havoc and other general mayhem for our rivals. There was talk of raiding a store, beating some acknowledged rivals that lived in his same buildings. He seemed very gung ho about all of this but I was not sure this was the wisest course. Up until now we had been the passive group, only attacking when provoked. Open aggression may bring us more heat that we do not need at the moment. While we were discussing this, four unsightly men entered the alley. I saw them out of the corner of my eye and I knew this would get complicated and possibly messy. One had a knife, another had a crowbar and a third had brass knuckles. I didn't see anything on the fourth one, but he was the biggest and I figured he could handle himself fine without a weapon. If they thought they were going to make an example of us they were sorely mistaken. I asked them what the wanted and not one of them answered. I motioned Peter to follow me down the alley away from them, but he hesitated and the goon with a crowbar reached him and swung. Peter collapsed after a blow to the stomach. That was it, I couldn't hold out anymore. I pulled out my small revolver from a coat pocket and shot the one with the crowbar. As he fell, his partner with the knife slashed me across the arm. Luckily, my gun arm was still free to shoot him. He fell and the other two seemed to lose their nerve or something to that effect. They ran, leaving their comrades to fend for themselves. That is why our gang is stronger, we do not leave a man behind to save our own skin, we are a family.
Regeneration: Standard
Peter was hurt, I think he had gotten cracked ribs. I walked over to him and helped him to his feet. He was in pain, but I knew it wasn't safe to go to the hospital at this time of night. He would need daylight and people to avoid being attacked. I helped him up to his apartment where his wife had turned the palest shade of white I had ever seen on a human being. She demanded an explanation while she tended to Peter's ribs. I recounted the story making sure not to leave out any details. After thanking me profusely she asked to see my arm. I took my coat off and showed her because even I hadn't looked at it. I was a nicely done slash, moderately deep and long. She went to fetch more bandages and disinfectant, but I told her not to. I had survived much worse wounds than this before in prison and the like. I think not treating them forces your body to adapt and toughen up. Sure a bandage would have helped me heal quicker, but I haven't always had bandages. I haven't needed them up until now, so why start.
The Cause
Iron Will: Superior
My next task was organizing more public demonstrations. About this time Adolf was gaining repute in Europe and needed a bit of distraction to keep the United States occupied. Well, he may not have needed it, but that was the job he'd given me to do, so I set about doing it. At first it was simple things. Making sure all members of our cause had protection. Escorting wives to the store. Walking two or three in a group. Just small things to feel camaraderie and a sense of direction. Then as soon as my arm had healed which took considerably longer than I thought, it escalated. We sought out gangs like the one that had attacked Peter and myself in order to return the favors they so generously gave us. After all, even the Bible speaks of "an eye for an eye". We made our presence known in the community. I was concerned at one point that the police would intervene, but it was quite the opposite. I guess they felt that we would keep each other busy. So law and order were essentially replaced by laws of the jungle. I didn't mind. On the contrary, I relished the opportunity to exert force and demonstrate our superiority. Confidence in our mission is something I've always had, but seeing it finally come to fruition brought a whole new wave confidence and adrenaline to my heart.