Bars and diners across the multiverse tell a tale of the trucker named Texas Durrigan. They say she can haul a load faster than any other driver in the known universe, knows the highways, byways, and backroads of almost every galaxy as if it were her own backyard, and can take on any nasty space pirate or desperado without breaking a sweat. Most of these tales, of course, are started by Texas herself. A few choice words here and there spoken to the local gosspis, a few faces bashed in in front of the right folks, and presto, instant reputation. Texas has weaved her own legend in a matter of years. Not to say that she lacks talent, oh no. She's one of the best truckers you can find in the glaaxy these days. But she does have a way of embellishing. A little too much. Trouble comes a courting every now and then. We could go on and on about her run-ins with galactic police, crime bosses, and ill-tempered truckers wanting a piece of the action in more ways than one. But those stories hardly compare to the time when a certain Alesiter Michaels caught word of the legendary Texas Durrigan. Something about her "legend" seemed fishy to Aleister. He knows a good con when he sees one, he's done his fair share of embellishing in order to bolster one's reputation, and he smelled such a scheme within these tales he heard during his adventures. So he put out an open invitation to Texas for a friendly race: to see who could make it to Khazan the fastest from the farthest known reaches of the known universe. Texas rightly agreed to the match and met Aleister at the appointed spot. Neither one of them tell of the results of that race to this day, and no one else bore witness to the race other than them. Not even Alexander Young of Bas Swarr know of the end result. Either that, or both were quietly hushed up (IE bribed) by one or the other (or both). Suffice it to say, after the fact, Texas has been hanging around Khazan a lot more, spreading tales of a new legend...
Texas would have you believe she is the perfect southern girl. Polite, well spoken, kind to everyone, ect ect. Far from the truth. Image is everything to Texas. She would rather be remembered for what she has made herself rather than who she really is. While she does her best to be well mannered when it comes to actually meeting the people who believe the tall tales she has created about herself, in fact she's a fairly foul-mouthed, tequila chugging, cigar smoking, dirty joke spouting bitch. A lovable, fun-loving, adventurous one, but a bitch none the less.
The Casanova Lynx
Vehicle: Ultimate
Some pilots have their ships custom made. Some stumble upon them on accident while running from the law. Others just outright steal their ships. Apparently, Texas Durrigan aqquired her ship, The Casanova Lynx, in all three ways, depending on which sector you happen to be in at the moment. Some say the Casanova Lynx is an experimental ship made by one of the Khazanian big wig corps, and Texas is simply test driving it. Others say she found it hidden away on some remote asteroid while being chased by the police, and that she hotwired the baby and blasted off into history. Still others say that Texas offed some high ranking syndicate types in their sleep and stole the keys to their new prototype that would have led to some inevitable space war if mass production had gone through, and now uses their weapon for truth and justice. Which of these tales, if any, is true? Does Texas even remember how she got her ship? The only thing for certain is that the ship doesn't run on ordinary fuel. Some say they pick up magical residue when running scans on the ship. But who knows if those readings are just a part of Texas' tall tales as well...
The Infinite Knotch
Super Speed: Ultimate
The Casanova Lynx is one fast ship. Fastest in the known multiverse. Really. Yes. That's what people say at least, and what people say must be true, yes? Not necessarily, but The Casanova Lynx does have this reputation. Of course, Aleister Michaels would know exactly how fast the ship can go, but he isn't saying anything. So the legend lives on of The Casanova Lynx, fastest ship in the known multiverse.
Highways And Backroads
Environmental Awareness: Ultimate
So you need to know the way to the San Jose Nebula? Texas said that all you need to do is take a left turn at the next roadstop, head down that road for some 30 lightyears, turn to the right at the Death in the Box burger onto GH 327 until you hit Vedian 5, where the San Jose Nebula is located. She says you'll cut 6 hours off of your driving time that way, avoiding the heavy traffic that's on GH 444, even though GH 444's route is shorted. Damn construction.
The Legend Lives On
Immunity: Standard
Try as many might, there is no way to tell if the stories told by Texas Durrigan are true or not. Mentalists have attempted to read her mind to no avail. Psychologists can't break away from the poker face she emits when telling her tales. No one seems to be able to disprove the legend of Texas Durrigan. No one that's willing to destroy it, that is.
Immunity: Gravity
Immunity: Standard
They tell a tale at this one particular bar, The Filthy Whore. This tale is about Texas Durrigan and her battle with The Brilliant Downer. The Brilliant Downer is a massive black hole that lies smack dab in the middle of a major transit system lying outside of Khazan's borders. The spaceways have been tempered to weather the gravitational storm from the black hole, and so long as you stay within the prescribed highways, you'll be safe. One day some years ago, though, Texas uncharacteristically late on one of her runs to Khazan. Something about much needed medical suplies. Not that the cargo matters, all that matters is that if she had taken the regular routes, even with her own superior skill of navigations and driving, she would have been too late. So she simply drove straight through The Brilliant Downer. How she pulled it off differs with each regular at The Filthy Whore. Some say she was able to use the gravity to her own advantage, using it to catapult herself in some convoluted way onto the other side of the transit system. Some say she was able to go straight through the center of the black hole, and using her navigation skills, she was able to drive through that which lies beyond the center and straight to Khazan. Other say all she did was hit the petal to the ground and outran the gravitational pull. All fine and dandy, but there's no reported record of there ever being such a haul made by Texas. No urgent deliveries to Khazan. Nothing. Sure makes a damn fine story to tell visitors.
Terrain Familiarity: Bar Fight
Terrain Familiarity: Standard
Legends are hard to break. Lies can be told so many times, that everyone starts to accept them as fact. The regulars in bars across the multiverse have heard the tales of Texas Durrigan. They know deep down inside that most of the tales are fiction, but something inside of them enjoys believing these tall tales and modern myths. Nothing will shake their tradition. To even utter disrespect against Texas in most bars is a prime excuse for a good barroom brawl, which inevitably results with the sound beating of the offender. Texas and her legend is safe within the pressence of pretzels and neon beer signs.
Keepin' Pace
Photographic Reflexes: Standard
They tell another tale out in the far reaches of space, in quiet bars where little traffic flows and life is at a nigh standstill, of when Texas went face to face with what they now call The Orbital. The Orbital used to be a moon used for all sorts of high-tech, top secret research for yet another faceless industry mongol. Would have remained yet another cliche in the backwater areas of the galaxy had it not been for the fact that the AI in the lab's computer system went rogue and found a way to absorb itself into the entirity of the moon, making for a rather nasty sentient moon which was now purposely drifting away from its orbit and setting off to god knows where. Texas wouldn't have given a damn if it hadn't been for the fact that said faceless industry mogul payed more than handsomely if she would rescue what few scientists were still alive aboard the station. Thing is, The Orbital was smart. Damn smart. It had already outrun and outthought everyone else that had attempted to catch it, reading their moves and adjusting its course accordingly to avoid them. Texas though... they say it seemed like the tides were turned. The Orbital would make one move, but Texas would compensate for the adjustment, as if she herself was also reading The Orbital's movements. Quite a handy trick, they say, and suffice it to say, Texas took a nice LONG vacation after that exploit...