Steal From the Happy...
Emotion Control: superior (rank 2)
“Look, I didn't kill that whore. She got in the car at 50th and 1st North, yes I admit that, not to mention there were witnesses. We talked for a bit, we drove to a location near Oporto-Madrid she performed a paid sexual activity and then I was going to drop her her near 55th and Division and I never see her again when she spazzed out. She was massively depressed after um...the completion of the act, and she bashed her own head against the passenger side window to break it and get at the glass, then she started slashing herself open. I know what it sounds like, but she did it herself. I swear I never touched her, she cut herself screaming about how much she deserved to die, for all the wrong she's done. And then y'all came on the scene and you know the rest, y'all railroaded me because I couldn't get a good enough lawyer and the whore was some rich Hoover socialite's cracked out daughter.
...and Give to the Depressed
Psychic Vampire: standard (rank 1)
But really, it was all my fault, and I've figured it out. See here, keep your head up, just listen to me. So the more I talk to people, the more manic I get and the more depressed they all get, but it's not my fault it's just something I do. It's why my parents abandoned me, because I drained them of their joy for life. It's just something that I have to learn how to control and I think I did in solitary, I mean I've been in here for thirty minutes and I haven't affected your mood in the slightest. But it's worth it sometimes to just not feel so damned worthless. It's worth pushing everyone else down to feel good for a moment. I mean look at how non-plussed you are at the fact that I just admitted that I think that I can control peoples emotions! Look how slowly Nurse Claxton's pen's going when he's writing down that I'm delusional, but he can't even muster up the mental energy to correct me and make me call him Doctor!
I can see Clearly, though...
Empathy: standard (rank 1)
I know you don't really care about me, and aren't going to release me from prison, I can see it in your face. I can read your eyes, the way you look at each other when I say things, the way you grip your pen when you took notes. But you should know that I really thank you for everything that you've done for me today. You've listened to my whole story, which is more than the judge and jury ever did for me and you've treated me fairly even though I've had to be in solitary for the protection of the other prisoners. You made sure I could read, and got some sunlight and didn't stiff me on my commissary at all. That means a lot, even if I do have to go back in the hole for another few years before we do this again.
..That I apparently bore you to death.
Induced Sleep: superior (rank 2)
“Either way, whether you parole me or not, it's time I got the hell out of this place. I don't think you'll mind, do you Warden?”
“Zzzzzzz, grnnk....zzzzzzz”
“No, I didn't think so. What about the guards? No, they don't care either? I guess I've been so intrigued by talking to myself for the past ten minutes that I didn't even care that you were all out cold. In that case, I guess I should help myself to this key and to this fine pistol of yours, don't'll get it back, I can't take it with me on the plane anyways.”