Imistus was a cruel god in his day, ruling over many different people, such as the Velore and the Brakra. Originally, the Velore were a kind gentle race of Mountain Dwellers, but when the land began to heat up, the plant life died off. The Velore lost many off its live stock and soon its tribes began to die. Resorting to violence, the Velore stole and murdered to stay alive.
The land grew hotter and hotter still, until the tribes move away from the mountain. They began their lives at the base of this mountain and for a short time, life was plentiful, but fate should have that the volcano they lived upon finally erupted. The blazing inferno destroyed the tribes and only a select few were left.
The elders of these survivors met and prayed to their god for a solution. Their god, Imistus, being the cruel and sadistic being he is, sent his servant to finish the tribes. The slaughter raged through the night and screams could be heard from miles away. Soon the servant returned to his position at the side of his god.
Jerok grew plentiful and soon the race of the Brakra came forth to the land. They grew their villages in the forests of Jerok and because very skilled hunters. One day Imistus came to a young man in his dreams, proclaiming that the tribe’s two best hunters must fight to appease the cruel god.
The man spoke this prophecy to his people and they laughed. The god, being easily angered, took this laughter as a mockery at his prophecy. Once again his servant was sent to the people to make them repent for their transgressions. He slaughtered tribe after tribe, until he came upon the smallest tribe and told the people this last message. “People of Jerok, as you have laughed at Imistus’ prophecy, so does he laugh at your death, I am Alkeon, the Warrant of Death and I will have your lives” and the Brakra were no more.
Soon after the elimination of the tribes occurred the news of a fighting arena of champions spread through the lands. Imistus, being the jealous type, wanted the title for himself but as he left his planet to go to this arena, he lost power. His power was tethered to his domain. He sent his servant to the neighboring planet to test the same on him, but to his surprise he was not affected. Imistus hatched the idea to send his servant in his stead.